Chapter 26 "Justice"

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A few days have went by.
Shaylynn has been at her office with Butch and the other guys trying to figure out where this Trafficking boss could have went to.
Dan has been working on the cameras to try and get them up and working.

Shaylynn is in her office, on her laptop, looking through Auditor records for the owner of the house she was held hostage in. With everything that happened, Butch forgot all about having the address to the house and never thought about looking at Auditor records for the owner's name.
She types in the address and hits 'Enter'.
The owner's name appears...........

Name: Mike Charles
Mailing address: 410 E. Jackson Street Springfield, IL

"That son of a bitch!" she says to herself.
There's a knock at her door, "Come in!" she says in a pissed off tone.
The door opens to reveal Jefferies and Stone standing there.
Shaylynn looks up.
"Is this a bad time?" Jefferies asks her.
Shaylynn smiles, "No, this is a perfect time!" she tells him, "Come in!"
Jefferies and Stone walk in, Stone closing the door behind him.
"Have a seat, Gentlemen!" Shaylynn tells them.
They sit down, "Shaylynn, we're so sorry about what happened to you!" Jefferies tells her.
Shaylynn just stares at Jefferies, "The new Governor of Illinois, what do you know about him, like his background?" she asks him.
"Just that he's an ex-Senator" Jefferies tells her.
"He's an ex-Senator because the Organization busted him and some other Senators for accepting bribes from the Mexican drug cartel. Now the Governor of Illinois is dealing with this Trafficking boss" Shaylynn tells them.
"And how do you know this?" Stone asks her.
Shaylynn turns her laptop around toward Jefferies and Stone, "This is the address of the house I was held hostage in. Look at the name of the owner and the mailing address. The mailing address is the address for the Governor's mansion in Springfield here in Illinois" she tells them.
Jefferies and Stone look at the address, then look at each other.
"You guys bring the Governor down, but the Trafficking boss is mine! He took A LOT from me! I'll get my own justice!" Shaylynn expresses to them.
There's a knock at Shaylynn's door, "Come in" she says.
The door opens and Butch walks in, "Shit! I didn't realize you were busy!"
"We just finished up, right Gentlemen!" Shaylynn tells Butch while looking at Jefferies and Stone, "What do you need, Butch?" she asks.
"I don't need anything" he tells her while he watches Jefferies and Stone stand up, "I was coming to tell you that Kelly's downstairs" Butch tells her.
Jefferies looks at her, "Thanks for meeting with us even though we didn't have an appointment. We'll look into the matter that we discussed."
Butch moves out of the way so Stone can walk out of Shaylynn's office with Jefferies following behind him.
"What was that about?" Butch asks her.
"They finally saw the light about the Governor. That son of a bitch owns the house in Miami!" she tells Butch.
"That can wait! Your husband is downstairs waiting for you!" Butch tells her again.
Shaylynn walks out of her office, Butch hurries and grabs her coat and purse and follows behind her.
She walks down the stairs into the lobby and doesn't see Severide anywhere. She turns around to see Butch, Chrysti and the other guys standing behind her, Butch holding her coat and purse.
"What are you up to? Where's Kelly?" she asks them.
Butch holds her coat out for her to put on. Shaylynn walks over and slips her arms in.
"Kelly is outside in a limo waiting on you" Butch tells her as he hands her purse to her.
Shaylynn smiles, "Why is Kelly waiting in a limo for me?"
"That's for him to tell you!" Butch tells her as he and the others start herding her toward the door.
"Okay! Okay! I'm going!" she tells the guys.
Before heading outside, she pulls Chrysti to the side, "I need a favor."
"Name it!" Chrysti tells her.
"Kelly's up to something, so I need for you to keep an eye on Sam while I'm gone! Monitor her cell phone and radio, this case she's working on, this guy is a sociopath!" Shaylynn tells her.
"You got it, girl!" Chrysti tells her, "Now get out there to your husband!"
Shaylynn walks outside to find Severide in black jeans and his leather coat standing by the limo waiting for her. Seeing him in that outfit, this feeling of excitement comes over her.
"What are you up too?" she asks him.
"I'm taking you away!" he tells her with a smile.
"Where we going?" Shaylynn asks.
Severide smiles at her, "You'll find out once we get there! Now get in!" he tells her while opening the limo door.
Shaylynn gets in the limo with Severide following right behind her. He closes the door and the limo driver drives off.

Looking out the window, Shaylynn sees that they're heading toward the airport.
She looks over at Severide, "Kelly, why are we heading to the airport?"
"I told you I'm taking you away!" he tells her.
"I assume you've packed bags?" she asks him.
He scoots closer to her, "I packed a little bag for us. I'm hoping we don't have to worry about clothes while we're gone" he says, then kisses her.
Shaylynn smiles at him, "Now I'm very intrigued about where we're going!" she says and starts kissing him again.
The limo driver pulls the limo up beside the Organizations private jet. He gets out, walks to the back door, opens it and waits for Shaylynn and Severide to get out. A few seconds go by and no one appears. He bends over and looks inside, to his surprise he sees Severide and Shaylynn making out. The driver stands back up and clears his throat, waits a few seconds, nothing. He clears his throat a little louder.
Severide and Shaylynn stop kissing, look at the open door, look at each other, smile and start laughing.
"I think he wants us to get out" Severide tells her.
Shaylynn turns and swings her legs out of the limo. The driver sticks his hand out to help her.
She grabs onto his hand, stands up and looks at the driver, "Thank you!" she tells him.
Severide gets out and winks at him.
Colin, the co-pilot, has already gotten the one piece of luggage out of the limo's trunk and is walking up the steps.
Shaylynn walks over to the jet's steps with Severide following her. Waiting at the bottom is Peter, the pilot.
"So Peter, where we going?" Shaylynn asks him.
Peter looks at Severide who smiles back at him, "You will just have to wait and see!" he tells her.
She turns around and looks at Severide, "You have EVERYONE in on this, don't you!"
Severide smiles at her "Get up the steps!" he tells her.
Shaylynn turns back around and starts walking up the steps, Severide smacking her ass once she reaches the second one.
Peter follows up the steps once Severide has reached the top. He closes the door and heads to the cockpit. He starts up the engines, taxis the jet out onto the runway, gets it up to speed and takes off. 


Remember to keep reading "Broken Promises" Shaylynn's little sister, Samantha Voight's story.

Never know when Shaylynn will pop up over there.  Just like with Sam here in Our City, Our Rules, ONE Chicago. 

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