Chapter 42 "He's Done"

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Shaylynn and Sam have finished eating and are driving back home when Shaylynn's phone rings.
"Shaylynn, you need to come to the District....NOW!" Hank tells her.
She doesn't like the sound of this.
"When can you get here?" Hank asks her.
"With the way traffic is I can be there in 20 minutes" she tells him.
"Alright. I'll see you then" Hank tells her and hangs up.
He looks at Lindsay, Halstead, and Alvin "She'll be here in 20 minutes."
All three of the them walk out of Hank's office and get to work.

Thirty minutes later, Shaylynn is pulling into the District's parking lot. She and Sam get out and head for the doors.
Ruzek is standing at the doors looking out. He then turns around and walks up the stairs, "She's here!"
Once Shaylynn and Sam get inside they walk up the stairs and see a lot of people standing around.
Sam looks and sees Stone standing back by the Desk Sergeant's desk.
"What's going on?" Shaylynn asks.
Hank walks up to her, "Shaylynn, I'm sorry, but Kelly's done."
A concerned look comes across her face, "What do you mean he's done?" she asks.
Sam is getting a sick feeling in her stomach listening to Hank talk to Shaylynn.
"Just what I mean, he's done" Hank tells her.
Shaylynn's eyes start to get glassy, "The Warden told me he was in private protection."
She looks down and wipes any tears that are forming in her eyes away before they fall.
After she wipes her eye's, she looks up and sees Severide standing in front of Trudy's desk.
"Oh my......!" Shaylynn says then covers her face with her hands.
Tears start to flow.
Severide walks toward her and takes her into an embrace.
Everyone that's standing around starts clapping, except Sam. She's crying right along with Shaylynn.
Peter sees her, walks around people, walks up to Sam and he also takes her into an embrace.
Shaylynn is holding on tight to Severide, "Shaylynn, do you want to sit down?" Hank asks her.
"NO! I'm not letting go of Kelly!" she tells Hank.
Severide looks at Hank, they smile at each other.
"Then maybe you would like to go upstairs and I can tell you what happened" he tells Shaylynn and Severide.
Shaylynn stops hugging Severide, but grabs onto one of his hands as they follow Hank over to the stairs.
Sam starts following them, until she realizes Stone isn't behind her. She turns around and looks at him.
"Are you coming?" she asks him.
"I don't think Shaylynn wants me up there" he tells her.
"Come on!" Sam tells him.
Stone walks over to her. She grabs his hand and they start up the stairs.
"Did you help in any way to get Kelly here?" Sam asks him.
"I'm the one who went to the jail and got Kelly out. Then I drove him here" he tells her.
"Then Shaylynn will want to know that!" Sam reassures him.

Sam and Stone reach Hank's office, walk in and sit down on the couch behind Shaylynn and Severide who are sitting in the chairs.
"The guy we had in here, his van had traces of Anna's blood and your blood in it" he says looking at Severide, "Tests then showed his van also had traces of your DNA in it" Hanks tells Shaylynn.
"So this guy was involved in my kidnapping?" Shaylynn asks Hank.
"Yes! His van is black. The van that was used to kidnap you was black. And then used for this crime. He even admitted he was part of your kidnapping" Hank tells her.
"But after I got the tire iron out of the trunk, I don't remember anything" Severide reminds Hank.
"He told Lindsay and Halstead everything that happened after that. Him and another guy pulled up a few feet away from you and her. He then walked up on you two and while you were crouched down changing the tire, he took the tire iron from you and hit you in the head knocking you out. Now this is where it gets strange. Anna was in on this, but this guy knocked her out and stuck her in the trunk of her car along with the tire iron, then he put you inside the van. He then got into Anna's car and drove it to where we found it with the other guy following behind him. After getting there, he took Anna and the tire iron out of the trunk and laid her beside the dumpster and beat her to death" Hanks says.
"But you said the tire iron was covered with Kelly's fingerprints. Did this guy say he was wearing gloves?" Shaylynn asks him.
"Yes, he was wearing gloves because they were found in his van covered with Anna's blood" Hank says, "After she was dead, he got in the van and they took you to your friends apartment. I guess they've been watching you go there and figured that you would go some where else other than home after killing someone to make you look even more guilty. As though you were hiding out" Hank looks at Shaylynn, "After you and Sam had left here, the warrant to get Anna's bank records came through. That's what I was doing while Lindsay and Halstead were with this guy. But the records I obtained have a little more on them then the ones Butch was able to get."
Hank hands Shaylynn a folder. She opens it up and looks over the new bank records.
"I see huge withdrawals, the same amount as the deposits, that were done today" she says to Hank looking confused.
"Whoever made the deposits must've heard that this guy was arrested and is now trying to cover their tracks by taking the money back from a dead woman that won't be using it" Hank tells her.
Shaylynn rolls her eyes, "Okay! That's enough for tonight. Can we maybe pick this back up tomorrow?" she asks Hank, "It's been a long couple of days and I'd like to spend some time with my husband.
Hank smiles at her, "Of course" he says and stands up.
Shaylynn along with Severide stand up, so do Sam and Stone.
While walking toward the door it hits Shaylynn, "Who got Kelly out and brought him here?"
Hank looks at her, "It was Peter."
Shaylynn looks over at Stone, "Thank you, Peter!"
She and Severide walk out of Hank's office, followed by Sam and Stone.
Once outside the District, Shaylynn starts hugging Severide again.
Sam looks at them, smiles and shakes her head, "How about a quick visit to Molly's?"
Shaylynn looks at her, then looks back to Severide, "Do you want to go?"
"We can" he tells her.
"I'm sure there are A LOT of people there who would like to see you!" Shaylynn tells him.
Severide smiles at her.
"We'll meet you there" Sam tells Shaylynn as she follows Stone to his SUV.
Shaylynn pulls her keys out of her purse and hands them to Severide. He gets a huge smile on his face and they walk over to the car. They get in and drive off heading to Molly's.

Severide and Shaylynn meet up with Sam and Stone before walking in.
Stone and Sam walk in first, followed by Shaylynn then Severide. All of Molly's goes silent at the sight of Severide walking in.
Then all at once, everyone explodes in excitement, hooting and hollering at seeing Severide again.
Sam and Stone head over to a table while everyone greets Severide.
Tony, Capp, and Cruz are the first ones to come up to him. Shaylynn steps out of the way until she feels Tony's hands on one arm, Capp's hands on the other arm and Cruz's hands on her shoulders pushing her back over to Severide.
"Great to see you, Lieutenant!" Tony says to him.
"Yeah, glad to have you back!" Cruz says.
"As soon as you're back to work, you're doing drills!" Capp says with a smile.
Severide smiles back.
"I'm going to go sit down with Sam and Peter while you make your rounds" Shaylynn tells Severide, then kisses him before walking away.
Severide starts walking around saying hi to everyone, while Shaylynn goes and sits down.
When she sits down, she looks at Sam who's not looking well, "Sam you okay?" she asks.
"I'm not feeling well. I think it was something I ate" Sam says as she gets up and heads to the bathroom.
"I'm going to go with her" Shaylynn tells Stone as she stands up and follows Sam to the bathroom.
After a couple of minutes, Severide comes over to the table where Stone is sitting.
"Where did Shaylynn and Sam go?" he asks Stone as he sits down.
"They went to the bathroom. Sam isn't feeling well" Stone tells Severide.
Severide and Stone's cell phones go off at the same time, they both look at each other and take their phones out of their pockets.
They both look at their phones, "What the hell?" Severide says.
Stone looks at Severide with a look, "I received a text from a Mary Beth" he tells him.
"So did I" Severide says turning his phone around and showing Stone.
"That's the same text I received" he tells Severide.

Unknown: Shaylynn and Sam....I thought you might like a picture from the photoshoot.  Thanks again!
Mary Beth

Severide and Stone stare at each other, then Severide sees Shaylynn helping Sam back to the table and helps her sit down.
Shaylynn walks back behind the bar and gets Sam a bottle of water.
Herrmann doesn't realize she's back there and runs into her "Whoa, Shaylynn! Sorry, I didn't know you were back here" he says to her and sees she's getting a water, "I could've gotten that for you."
"You were busy and I know where everything is" she says to him, smiling, "I'll get out of your way" she tells Herrmann while walking out from behind the bar and heads back to the table.
As Shaylynn sits down, Boden stands up while he puts his cell phone in his pocket.
Cruz, Tony, and Capp walk up to Severide, "Are you going?" Capp asks.
Severide looks at Shaylynn, "GO!" she says to him.
He kisses her and heads out with his guys.
Shaylynn looks over at the bar and sees the look on Herrmann's face. She gets up, walks back behind the bar, "I'll take care of Molly's" she tells him.
Herrmann looks at Shaylynn and smiles, "Thanks, Shaylynn! I know she's in good hands!" he says to her as he rushes out with the rest.
After all of 51 and some other Firefighters from different Firehouses have left, Molly's is pretty empty.
Stone walks up to the bar, "Shaylynn, I'm going to take Sam back to your house. She's really not feeling well."
"Alright. Would you get my purse for me?" Shaylynn asks Stone while pointing over to the table.
Stone walks back over to the table, grabs Shaylynn's purse and takes it over to her.
She gets into it and pulls her keys out. Unclipping a key she hands it to Stone.
"Sam doesn't have a house key" she tells Stone.
He grabs onto the key, but Shaylynn doesn't let go, "You're going to stay with her until I get there, right?"
"Yes!" Stone tells her.
Shaylynn let's go of the key. Stone walks back to the table, helps Sam stand up and out of Molly's.

About ten minutes has went by. Shaylynn is cleaning things up behind the bar, "Hello, Shaylynn!" she hears someone say.



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