Serpent Admiration Part 2 {Blaise}

Start from the beginning

He rolls his eyes.

"Of course," he mutters.

You lean up on your tippy toes and kiss his jawbone. He attempts to train his face into a mask of anger yet your kiss melts it.

"You're going to be the death of me," he mumbles to you.

You just continue to lead him into a small, quaint shoppe towards the end of the street. As soon as the door opens, a bell overhead jingles. Your eyes dance over the shoppe patrons before landing on an older couple seated in the corner booth. You continue in that direction. You stop yourself and Blaise in front of them. Blaise looks at you with his brows creased. The woman smiles at you while the man stares at Blaise.

"Hello mum and dad."

You watch out of the corner of your eye as Blaise's eyes widen and his mouth falls open.

"Y/N darling, may I speak to you privately please?" Blaise asks through tight lips.

You nod to him.

"Excuse us, mum and dad. We'll be just a moment."

Blaise leads you away from the table and a large enough distance that you two won't be within hearing range of your parents.

"You set me up!" he accuses.

"Yes, yes I did," you admit.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

He begins to pace in the small space that you two are in. You sigh.

"Because you would have been an anxious mess. I was preserving your mental health."

He stares at you.

"I understand that and it makes it hard to be genuinely mad. I still think it's crappy that you didn't tell me though."

"I'm sorry, Blaise, I just knew you'd be worrying and wouldn't want to come if you knew."

"Well, you're right if that makes you feel better."

You smile at him.

"Let's not keep them waiting, yeah?"

He nods as you begin to head back in their direction. You slide into the booth and scoot closest to the wall. It's best that you don't make Blaise feel anxious and claustrophobic.

"So, mum, dad, how was the Floo Network this morning?"

Your mum smiles.

"Dusty, as per usual."

You return her smile.

"I'd imagine so."

You look over at your father to find his gaze solely on Blaise.

"What's your name, boy?"

Blaise keeps a cool exterior, but his Adam's apple wobbles slightly.

"Blaise Zabini, sir."

"Isn't he so smart? He knows his name and everything," you gush.

Your humor seems to relax Blaise slightly. You notice that Mother's mouth is upturned. You lay your hand atop Blaise's under the table. He links his fingers with yours.

"What are your intentions for my Y/N?" Father asks sharply.

You discreetly roll your eyes.

"Excuse me, sir?"

"What are your intentions, Zabini? I knew the man that you received your surname from and I'll Avada Kedavra you myself before I let you do what your father did to your mother to my Y/N. If you hurt him/her, the thought of Azkaban will be happy, warm thought compared to what's in store for you."

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