A tear slipped down my cheek as I thought about Seth and Justin and my high school experiences. I hastily wiped it away as Dean sat down beside me and started rubbing circles on my back.

  "You ok, Angel?" He played with my hair.

  "Ya, I'll be fine. I just miss Seth and I also want to beat the shit out something. Preferably Justin, but anything'll do," I shrugged and sat up, leaning against Dean.

  "I know baby but you're gonna have to learn to control it. You can't go around punching people and things. And you also need to learn to not let Justin bother you. I know it sucks that he seems to be here even when he's not physically here but you're gonna have to get through that. And no matter what happens, I'll always be right by your side. Ok?" He pulled me closer to him.

  I nodded, "ok."

  The rest of the night was spent with Dean and I finishing our homework and watching TV until we went to bed.


  I sipped my coffee as I waited for Dean to hurry up in the bathroom. We had gotten to school a little earlier than usual so he could talk to one of his teachers. I was sat on the bench playing random games on my phone.

  I checked the time again as my phone started ringing. I answered it without looking at the caller ID.

  "Hey, Z," a familiar and sleepy voice said through the phone.

  "Hey!" I said almost dropping my coffee in excitement, "how've you been? Why do you sound so tired? Have you made any new friends? Do you have a girlfriend? Wait don't answer that last one. That was a dumb question. School only started like two days ago. I'd be very surprised if you already..."

  "Zerena!" Seth shouted on the other end, "I love you and all but shut the hell up! I set an alarm early so I could talk to you and see how you're doing. But if you're going to talk like that the whole time then I'll go."

  "No no no no no. I'll stop babbling. I'm just happy to talk to you. It's been awhile."

  "I know, Z. College is a lot harder than I thought."

  "Me too, S. Dean feels the same," I said just as Dean came out of the bathroom.

  "To answer your questions, though, I'm good. I'm tired because it's early here by like two hours or something. I have made new friends. They're these two dorks that I'm roommates with. They're starting to become my best bros. After Dean of course. No I don't have a girlfriend though there's this girl who is amazing. She's beautiful and funny and smart and kind and makes my heart beat a mile a minute. I just don't know what to do. I think she sees us as more friends than anything."

  "Well what's her name?" I asked, about to jump in my seat. Dean sat down beside me and mouthed the question of who I was talking to. I mouthed Seth and he smirked.

  I handed Dean an earplug as I plugged them into my ear so we could both have a conversation with Seth.

  "Her name is Devin Walker. And she's perfect," Seth answered my question.

  "Well than ask her out you dumbass!" Dean said.

  "Not so loud, woke up like ten minutes ago not two hours. Haven't even had coffee. Hell I haven't even got outta bed yet. So shut the hell up. And I plan on doing that today. I just dunno how. She's not someone I want to do something simple for. I want it to be remembered. Even if it's just a bouquet of flowers or something," Seth said.

  "I think you should figure out her favorite color and get a small bouquet of flowers according to her favorite color. Then ask with those. And I mean a small bouquet. Like no more than six or seven flowers, small," I said.

  "I will do that. And then when we're together I'll Videochat you and we can meet each others friends and shit. Kay, Z?"

  "Kay, S," I grinned.

  "Now tell me about you. New friends? Classes? What's up?" Seth asked.

  I filled him in on our new friends and how I've already made enemies and the questions I was asked and Carly being related to Justin and everything else that's happened since the day we got here. I loved Seth for this reason. We're away from each other for a day and we have to tell each other everything that happened. It's part of our bond, our connection as twins. It's just what we do.


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