Chris's POV

When we got back (Y/N) was sat with dodger by the front door removing the clumps of mud and grass from dodger's paws so he didn't bring it into the house. While she did that I was going through the mail that had been delivered, most of it was boring adult stuff like bills and stuff but there was one big package addressed for the both of us. Curious I open it and see the two scripts inside, I look over the cover page to see it was the newest captain America movie. I glance over the filming schedule that had also been sent to see we start filming in May, well it means we almost have an entire year off. "what's in the package?" (Y/N) asks standing up, I look up from the schedule "huh oh it's our scripts and schedules for the new cap movie, we start a month earlier than originally planned" I sigh passing her the script and schedule. She looks over it "oh well, I guess we still technically had a year off since we finished the press in may" she says opening her script to flick through it "oh that reminds me, when's the iron man 4 premier?" she asks. "uh next week, in LA" I tell her also glancing through the script "it's nice that they're paying for our travel over there" she says putting the script down on the side. I nod my head in agreement "I wonder why though" she mutters walking away towards the kitchen, I smirk to myself since I actually knew the reason. In the movie me and (Y/N) feature as Easter eggs that hint at our relationship in the new movie, neither of us are actually shown but it's a pretty big one. I follow (Y/N) into the kitchen where I see her making a cup of tea "do you want a cup of coffee?" she ask when we notices me enter "uh yeah that would be great, have you thought about what you're going to wear?" I ask leaning against one of the counters. She shrugs her shoulders as she makes the drink "no not really, although I did get sent that red dress you know the short one with only one shoulder" she says turning to face me "what about you what suit are you going to wear?" she asks passing me a cup of coffee. I take a sip before answering "I don't know maybe my black one with a navy blue shirt, probably with a pair of sunglasses to match" I say picturing it in my head. "sounds very nice" (Y/N) smile drinking her tea, "I'm going to sit down for a bit in the living room and read the script want to join me?" she asks, I smile at the offer "yeah, I can't wait to see what the story is going to be like" I say. Like planned we do spend the rest of the day just sat on the couch, we both sat on the same one facing each other with our legs resting on each other's. "have you got to page 163 yet?" (Y/N) ask not glancing up from her script "no I'm only on 114, wait how have you gotten so far already?" I say looking over at her slightly confused. She looks over at me and smiles "because I'm a fast reader, by the way 163 is really good" she smirks, I furrow my brows at her "hey no spoilers I haven't got that far yet" I warn smiling slightly.

*tiny time skip*

"You ready to go munchkin?" I call looking over my suit in the mirror, without answering (Y/N) steps out of the bathroom attaching an earring to her ear "yep, oh you look nice" she says smiling at me. "an you look incredible" I say back admiring the red dress she chose to wear, she smile her cheeks reddening slightly at the compliment. I walk over to her and rest my hands on her arms "you are going to be the best looking person out there" I say rubbing her arms gently with my thumbs, she smiles up at me "so will you" she smiles her eyes falling on my tie "lets straighten this out first though" she smirks. I watch as her hands gently fix my tie "I have no clue how I did this sort of thing without you" I sigh taking her hands and kissing them gently "yeah all those red carpet photos where your tie isn't straight are now forever in the past" she smirks. I laugh at her comment "and attending things like this alone too" I add "now shall we go, I believe the car is waiting for us" I smile holding out my arm. (Y/N) takes it with a smile and we head out of the hotel room and down to the car ready for the premier. When we arrive the carpet was lines with large posters from the movie, as we make our way down we sigh posters from fans who weren't expecting us there. Occasionally we got pulled aside by tv crews but they mostly asked if we were excited for the movie and to say congratulations on the wedding. As we make our way down we bump into Robert who embraces us both in a hug saying it was nice to see us and ask how the time off has been so far "oh it's been great not having to worry about much has been great just like normal life almost" (Y/N) smiles. "oh and that tweet about the paparazzi last week was hilarious I loved it" Robert adds "they released the photo of Chris pretending to throw the poop in one of the articles" he tells us. I raise my brow in surprise "really? What was the article about?" I ask, "the best celebrity responses to paparazzi" Robert smiles, I nod my head since it made sense "well I have more interviews to do, I hope you guys enjoy the movie" Robert says saying goodbye.

When we get inside we find our seats and wait for the movie to start, first the cast which consisted of Robert, Gwyneth, don and the guy who was playing the bad guy in it as well as the director all introduced the movie talking about it slightly before they took their seats. The movie was really good and I really enjoyed it, it then got to the bit with me and (Y/N)'s Easter egg in it. on the screen tony was looking over a picture of all the avengers and was sulking over something as pepper walked in "oh please tell me you're not still sulking over it" she says playing a folder on his desk. Tony looks up at her and shrugs his shoulders "I just can't work out why he didn't pick me that's all" he sighs, pepper smirks slightly "really, James was the obvious choice just be happy you got to be involved in it" she say before leaving. I glance over at (Y/N) to see the realisation on her face at the easter egg, along with her smirk and the audiences slight gasp when they clue onto what they believe it could be makes a large smile break onto my face. "that's why they paid for our travel" I whisper to (Y/N), she turns to look at me "well I truly am married to captain America then" she says leaning over to press a gentle kiss to my lips "and I'm married to golden hope" .

After the film ended we were talking to the cast inside the cinema before we walked out to the cars "so did you like your easter egg?" Robert says turning to (Y/N), "oh yeah, I think I was just as surprised as all the fans to be honest" she laughs. Robert furrows his brows in confusion "wait you didn't know we told Chris and he said he would pass it on" he says pointing to (Y/N), I smirk glancing down at the floor "yeah it appears he was keeping a little secret from me, good thing it was a nice surprise" (Y/N) say patting my arm making Robert laugh. "any secret I have from you is always a nice surprise" I laugh putting my arm around her "yes let's keep it that way shall we?" she smirk glancing up at me. "of course sweetheart" I smile hugging her tightly "so are you guys staying in LA for a bit, if you are we're happy to have you over?" Roberts wife, Susan, asks. (Y/N) shakes her head "no we fly back tomorrow morning but if you are ever near Boston let us know and we can meet up" she offers, "oh I'm sure we will, it was so nice seeing you two again" Susan smiles as we all say our goodbyes.

Starring with Chris Evans- Chris Evans x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now