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Last Episode
The episode start with Haya... she came down with ana in mandap... Arjun was mesmerised seeing Haya... she sat down and smile seeing Arjun... he also smile and then whisper
Arjun:u r ready to kill today baby
Haya blush hard and lower her eyes in shyness... Arjun silently and by hiding from everyone's eyes held Haya's hand as the pandit start the wedding rituals... the pandit ask ArYa to get up and take pheras... they did as they were told and took pheras... while taking Arjun hold Haya's hand... they sat after pheras and Arjun adore Haya's neck with mangalsutra.... after that he fill her hairline with sindoor.... Haya close her eyes and tears of happiness roll down her cheeks... Arjun wipe her tears away and said
Arjun:no more tears Mrs Arjun
Haya smile and blush at the same time... after the marriage was completed everyone had dinner... guest left and vaani welcome Haya in Arjun's house becoming Arjun's sister... ArYa did all the rituals and games holding hands and Arjun lose all the games to make Haya win.. when Haya ask the reason he simply said
Arjun:I feel I won when u win
Haya was overwhelmed with Arjun's words... she smile with tears of happiness... after the most special day of ArYa was almost over ana took Haya in room

(Mature Content Start From Here)

In Room
Haya was in Arjun's room... she was sitting in the middle of the bed having veil just like a typical bridal... the whole room was decorated with red roses and candle of fragrance one because of which the whole room was smelling beautiful... Arjun came in and locked the door... Haya's breath become heavier with Arjun's each step closer... Haya close her eyes as Arjun sat in front of her... Arjun lift her veil and Haya open her eyes... both stare each other lovingly... the thing for which both waited had finally happened... they were husband & wife... they wanted each other from long time but waited to make their union worth... Arjun cup Haya's face tenderly and kiss her forehead... Haya close her eyes and hold Arjun's shoulder... Arjun moved down and kiss Haya's eyes and both cheeks... then Arjun moved down and stop just an inch away from her lips... Arjun's breath was making Haya uncontrollable... Arjun said
Arjun: will u allow me to love u jaan
Haya open her eyes and hug Arjun tightly... she whisper softly
Haya:love me Arjun please
Arjun hug Haya tightly even more... Arjun broke the hug and immediately capture Haya's lips with his in a passionate kiss... Arjun kiss Haya softly yet passionately while Haya response with same passion... after sometime they broke the kiss and Haya run toward window feeling shy... Arjun smile and came toward Haya... she was breathing heavily... Arjun hold her shoulders from behind and then slide his hands down sensuously making Haya shiver with his hands... Arjun pull Haya backward hitting her back on his hard chest... he give her wet kisses on her neck and shoulder while he removed her jewellery and opened her hair... Haya moan and turn... she hug Arjun and kissed his neck... Arjun make haya looked at him and kiss her lips wildly... Arjun bite her lower lips and Haya moan... taking advantage of it Arjun entered her mouth... Arjun suck Haya's tongue and then her lips... Haya did the same and then they broke the kiss.. Arjun looked at Haya... her eyes were reflecting his desires... Arjun was happy knowing Haya was also desperate for him as he is for her but he was also determined to be slow and gentle with her as it's her first time... where Haya was just thinking about Arjun's needs and desires.. she didn't wanted anything but to fulfill Arjun's wishes.. she just wanted to love him and to be loved by him... Arjun removed Haya's dupatta and tossed it aside... he kiss on her neck and bite there... Haya moan and Arjun lick to soothe the pain... Arjun open Haya's blouse hooks and gently remove it... Haya shyly hug Arjun and he kiss her shoulder.... Haya looked at Arjun and opened his sherwani while Arjun helped her... after they were done with upper garments Arjun start opening Haya's lehanga... Arjun made Haya stand and the lehanga fall down... Haya was left in inner garments which make haya so shy that she close her eyes and Arjun hug Haya tightly feeling her soft bare skin against his hard chest.... Arjun kiss Haya's neck and shoulder... he moved down and start kissing her cleavage... Haya was moaning... while kissing Arjun moved backward with Haya and fell on bed... Haya moan again and Arjun looked at her with eyes full of Love... Arjun kiss her forehead and Haya hug him tightly... Arjun said
Arjun:Haya I Love U So Much Baby
Haya:I Love U Too Arjun
Arjun get up and removed his clothes... now Arjun was in his shorts and Haya was inner wear... Arjun stare Haya with such intensity that made Haya shiver... Haya get up and stand in front of Arjun... Haya kiss Arjun on his hard chest and give him love bites... Arjun groan and hold Haya tightly... Haya was feeling wet where Arjun was rock hard.. Haya moan feeling Arjun's hardness against her core.... Haya said
Haya:Ar... Arjun I want u please
hearing Haya Arjun was literally out of control now... he removed Haya's inner wear and make haya lie down on bed... Haya was now fully naked... Arjun immediately removed his short... Arjun get on top of Haya and kissed her passionately... Haya moan feeling Arjun's bare skin against hers.... Arjun kissed Haya's face softly yet passionately... Arjun looked at Haya and said
Arjun:baby it'll pain a lil OK
Haya nod and said
Haya:go ahead I'm ready Arjun
Arjun kiss her one last time on lips before thrusting in her slowly... Haya moan and Arjun thrust again this time it was hard and hurt Haya... she moan loudly and tears roll down her cheeks... Arjun kiss her face softly and said
Arjun: sorry baby did it hurt a lot
Haya nod in no and said
Haya:I'm fine
Arjun stay still and after her pain was gone he thrust again and entered fully.... Haya moan and Arjun hug her tightly while kissing her to soothe her pain... after her pain was gone... Arjun start moving and pick up a pace.. now the pain was replaced with pleasure... they both made love all night and then slept in morning...

The End

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