When we pulled up at god knows where I was lead inside my Scarlett and into a room and onto a seat, finally the blindfold was removed and we were in a private room at a bar. In the room I could see a small stage "oh please tell me this isn't what I think this is" I sigh asking the girls, Scarlett shakes her head "no I did listen to you when you said no strippers, this is a karaoke bar and that's where you sing if you want to" she explains. "really? Oh wow that's so cool!" I exclaim suddenly excited, holly steps forward holding a white sash with pink writing on it "yep no put this on" she says passing it to me I put it on and read what the writing said Mrs Evans To Be. "really guys?" I laugh as I read it, "yep don't worry we all have our own too" lizzie says putting on her pink bridesmaid sash. All the girls had matching ones except Scarlett who had maid of honour written on it, "now that we are all dressed appropriately let's get some drink and sing some tunes" Scarlett announces as a bar tender brings in some cocktails that were pink and red. I take a sip of mine and it was amazing, full of alcohol but amazing, music begins to play and we all sing along. A few karaoke songs and a couple of strong cocktails later Scarlett stops us all and pulls out a laptop "okay we are going to play mr and mrs" she announces "I am going to ask (Y/N) a questions that I have gotten Chris to record an answer to, she will give her answer I will then play the video and see if she's right, I don't know the answer only what the questions are" she explain. Oh boy, I think to myself but I go along with it anyway, probably because I was already a bit tipsy "okay first question: what's the one thing apart from you he would save in a fire?" Scarlett asks, this was easy "dodger" I answer. She plays the video and I see Chris pop up on the screen "this is so easy dodger of course" he answers, "one point" Scarlett says "wait there's points in this what do they go to?" I ask, she just shrugs her shoulders "nothing just keeping count" she admits. "next question: what's the name of his celebrity crush?" this one was a bit harder since Chris never really said anything about it "um oh I don't know maybe taylor swift he listens to her music a lot" I answer shrugging my shoulder "if it is that's hilarious because she's coming to the wedding" I laugh, the play the clip and Chris doesn't really know either "um I guess taylor swift maybe I don't know" he says shrugging his shoulders. "another point next question: what's the most unusual place you've had sex"? Scarlett asks making me nearly spit out my drink, I glance over at his sisters "um ok wow, the shower I guess" I answer feeling the heat rise to my cheeks, Scarlett plays the video "ahaha okay the most unusual place would be my trailer on the set of avengers when we only had a short break" Chris answers. Lizzies and scarletts jaws drop and my hand flies to my mouth at the memory "did you really do that?" lizzie asks laughing and I can only nod my head. "no point" Scarlett says in-between laughs "next question: what's his" she begins but has to compose herself as she was laughing too much, which worried me. "what is his favourite sexual position?" she barely gets out between laughs, I once again look at his sisters who now looked a bit embarrasses as we were still talking about me and Chris's sex life. "um well, going by what he said on the jimmy kimmel interview with the cast, it's in the butt, but no I guess on top?" I answer, "is on top your final answer?" Scarlett asks smirking and I nod. She plays the video "well we I do normally go on top, but I have to say my favourite is in the butt" he answers, all the girls squeal with laughter while I bury my head in my hand in embarrassment "have you actually?" holly asks laughing, "yeah" I sigh in defeat shaking my head at what I was admitting to. "okay just a few more questions next one is: how do you like to fall asleep cuddling or apart?" Scarlett ask, thank god for an easy one "cuddling" I answer making the girls aww and I was correct. "what's his special name for you?" Scarlett ask, "munchkin because I'm so small" I answer once again getting it right. "after how many dates did you do it for the first time?" Scarlett ask, I grimace at the answer "zero" I mutter, all the girls eyes widen "explain?" lizzie asks, "well since we got together during filming we didn't really have any chances to go out so one night after work we were in his hotel room and we just did it" I explain "play the video Chris will back me up" I say point to the laptop and like I said Chris backs me up. "what were his exact words when he proposed?" was the last question, "he had this whole speech but he said at the end of it: I can't change the past I can only looks at the future and that future I wish and hope contains you, as my wife, as we run around after the mini me's and mini you's that we will hopefully have" I answer making the girls aww again, when they play the video Chris says the same thing "aww you guys are so made for each other!" holly says making me smile.

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