seventy one - 1:16am

588 66 18

princeindigo | hi i feel like killing someone

| i feel like starting some massacre

imtheplugg | Pardon me?

princeindigo | nothing i felt like getting your attention

imtheplugg | Well say something a lot less menacing next time will ya

| I was planning to pretend that I didn't know anything.

princeindigo | i love the fact my dad gave me this vvs diamond earring that i don't want to take it out the box

| best birthday gift ever and i never asked for it

| $9k on my ear whoa how did he afford this

imtheplugg | RICH KID PROBLEMS I swear

princeindigo | nobody's rich, chill. financially stable is what i call it

imtheplugg | Sure, as you got earrings that cost four figures AND a new car right after your shit was ruined.

princeindigo | we're just great with money, that's all.

imtheplugg | I may sound like a pussy or whatever but I'm so nervous for tomorrow--well, tonight.

princeindigo | seriously chresanto, there's nothing you should be afraid of. i see you're not listening to me. you're spending it with great people that has your back so what should go wrong?

| i swear if you mention about your disability i'm blocking you and changing my mind on meeting you.

imtheplugg | Um, I didn't get a memo that you're meeting me.

| You can't be planning something without letting me know if you're serious.

princeindigo | and if you don't know now you know nigga.

imtheplugg | When you're planning to do this?

| And nigga what if I wanna travel up to the 6? My friends and I would sometimes talk about saving up for a trip there one day. Especially before spitting up to go to college, but we all know that's impossible to rack up that much before then.

princeindigo | i'd like to see you first. it's only fair. and sometime in the summer.

imtheplugg | Can I give you a further notice then? Like an appropriate date real soon?

princeindigo | i was hoping to surprise you but i see that's not a good idea.

imtheplugg | Yup.

princeindigo | dammit.

imtheplugg | I'm sorry.

princeindigo | nah, no need to apologize. i'm still debating should i bring my friends or not anyway.

imtheplugg | You should make your getaway lit as possible, so bring them.

princeindigo | well, let's see who'll still fuck with me by the time. esp since i feel like something's sketchy with this whole rayan situation. but, different story for a different day.

| and you know i'm back under this system so let's hope these numerous court dates don't affect my trip.

imtheplugg | I guess they still suspect you of trying to kill your best friend. Don't forget the evidence. For instance, hopefully you saved our messages and your snaps on where were you when this happened.

princeindigo | whoa good thing i saved those snaps. let's not talk about this bc it's making me mad again.

imtheplugg | Sure.

princeindigo | yeah.

imtheplugg | Have I ever told you about my dream once? It was about you and that shit was hella weird.

princeindigo | oh shit lmao i'm scared.

| what did i do? attack someone

imtheplugg | Nah but you attacked my lips.  

- - - 

yay I finally updated this after being sick when I'm sick, I hibernate a lot. but, Merry Christmas to all of you. I hope it treats you well.

and fun fact it's been a year since I woke up and created (not published) this story and I'm still far from being finished with it, how lovely.

- asia

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