seventeen - 1:01am

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princeindigo | not that you watched my snaps and didn't bother to open my message.

imtheplugg | I know.

princeindigo | why?

imtheplugg | Bc it's better to talk what we gotta talk about at night time. When I'm not around my friends. I don't want them thinking what's wrong with me. And I'm usually silent when I'm in a deep ass conversation, like this. Y'know how people assume when you're quiet all of a sudden.

princeindigo | oh, true. well i'm at a party rn and i think i'm drunk.

imtheplugg | Wow ok. What you're gonna do? Send another nude but on "accident" this time?

princeindigo | no.

| unless you want me to.

imtheplugg | Whoa. You are drunk.

princeindigo | so what are you? gay? straight? trans? what?

imtheplugg | Strictly clitly.

princeindigo | same.

imtheplugg | I mean of course. You tried to send a dick pic to your friend, who's a girl.

| But you kinda asked me do I want another nude from you.

princeindigo | sarcasm you dumbass.

imtheplugg | Somebody who's claiming to be drunk and still using sarcasm? Wow that's a first lmao.

princeindigo | okay, i'm just smoking a vape. 

| i'm not all that drunk. but i'm close if that makes sense.

| like if i finish this cup, that's when it'll be over.

| that's when i might drunk text you to the point i'll annoy the fuck outta you.

imtheplugg | And I'll block you.

| But whatever. Get to the point on why you wanted to send a naked picture to your friend.

princeindigo | the moral of the story, that yo gotti song will get you in trouble.

and I think I would never write this story if that song didn't exist. 

comment if ya like :)

- asia

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