forty five - 11:05am

837 77 35

princeindigo | i wished you mentioned me with your indirected ass tweets.

imtheplugg | What?

princeindigo | you know what i'm talking about.

imtheplugg | I tweet a lot. What are you specifically talking about?

princeindigo | i don't have the time to go back and screenshot the shit you said but

| it was something like how people only know you exist when they need you.

| and how they're around you only when they're lonely and bored.

| oh shit, can't forget when you said that someone is only talking with you bc you got someone they want.

| and this morning when i read those tweets i felt like you're targetting me.

imtheplugg | The world does not revolve around you, Jacob.

| It could've been for anyone that I no longer affiliated with.

| So what it could be about you? You shouldn't be so bothered because you got what you wanted. Your plan is successful. You don't have to worry about seeing me around anymore, and I won't be so fucking bothered either.

| I'm just stating the facts as I'm feeling good and living better. Well, striving too but it's all good.

princeindigo | look, i understand all that. but if you have a problem with me about something, especially some shit idk about, it won't hurt to put my username in your tweets or ask me.

imtheplugg | Alright. No confrontation here.

princeindigo | it was never any confrontation. sick of everyone having a problem with me that half of the time, they don't even know why they have a problem with me.

imtheplugg | How did you talking with your new crush go?

princeindigo | i liked her a while back, before i got in a relationship. but it went well. i went over to her place for a couple of hours.

imtheplugg | And lemme guess, you got to be her nymphomaniac.

princeindigo | NO

| that would be nice but NO

| you haven't even seen my snaps when i was messing around with her and her roommate but NO

imtheplugg | So what I'm assuming is that you wanna sleep with her right away when you said it would be nice?

| C'mon J. I taught you better than that. You s'pose to be my son.

princeindigo | NOT

| you're my son and i'm your daddy.

imtheplugg | Lmaooo whoa.

princeindigo | PAUSE



| i ain't mean it like that.

imtheplugg | And I ain't saving that message lmao

princeindigo | but fr, you are my son. i was almost five months when pac got shot, and almost eleven months when biggie got shot as well. and where were you when they was living?

imtheplugg | Nigga where were you when they got discovered?

princeindigo | i surrender.

| but you are my son.

imtheplugg | I'm like in the biggest dilemma rn.

| I logged into my friend's Apple Music account and I can't choose between my best albums that was released three years ago to listen to

| I'm tryna get so concentrated on this fuckin art project in class that I hate

princeindigo | what are the albums?

imtheplugg | NWTS and Born Sinner

princeindigo | i said this is my last time

| ok i lied


imtheplugg | Okay okay Cole it is

princeindigo | yeah bc i rather for you to listen to drizzy later on. especially if we ft later.

| plus born sinner is my favorite album by j cole

imtheplugg | Fr? Top five.

princeindigo | land of the snakes

| ain't that some shit

| villuminati

| rich niggaz

| new york times

imtheplugg | Alright, Rich Niggaz and Villuminati is my no. 1

| Even tho I can't have two number ones


| But I'll tell you my top five on NWTS later on

princeindigo | why not now, and after views drop in two weeks we can reveal our top five?

imtheplugg | Ugh, whatever give me a minute. This is hard.

princeindigo | you better listen to me, son.

imtheplugg | Aha you set yourself up when you added son.

princeindigo | stfu.

imtheplugg | Tuscan Leather

| Wu-Tang Forever

| Worst Behavior

| Come Thru

| The Language

princeindigo | the language is last? that's a fucking bop.

| i just want some head in a comfortable bed it could all be so simple

| ^ my mood

imtheplugg | Too much damn information, and would've been higher if Birdman didn't ruin it at the end.

princeindigo | just like he ruined we'll be fine?

imtheplugg | Exactly.

princeindigo | worst behavior is my theme song.

imtheplugg | Trust me, I already know lol. I guessed it.

princeindigo | i'm on my worst behavior.

| don't you ever get it fucked up

imtheplugg | Alright I'm gonna let you go now, my art teacher just called me out for using my phone more than anything lmao bitch ass 

princeindigo | yeah and i have to catch lunch with lani and rakim so i have to call em.

imtheplugg | Damn, new friends already?

jacob being more of a nigga just like chres when it comes to royce is so underrated. why? 

and so sorry for the rapid updates. 

- asia 

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