S4. Sick Day

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Oikawa POV

I start to whistle a tune as I walk with a bag of things that I bought from a nearby shop.

Today I'm heading to Misaki's house to check up on her. It's technically not Misaki's house, but Risa's house.

When the two of us started to attend Tokyo University, I decided to live in the university dorms and I ended up living with Touya and Ushiwaka... the worse combination to be dorming with.

It's personally a headache to dorm with them but I'm getting used to it.

Misaki, on the other hand, decided to live with her older sister since she lives close by the college which is more convenient for her financially.

In a way, the two of us are lucky though that we're able to attend the same college together and as her boyfriend, I've been supporting her when it comes to her physical therapy.

Misaki has been doing much better after her surgery. She has been able to walk without her crutches now but she still can't get do much yet but she's making fast progress.

Yet Misaki tends to overwork herself with her physical therapy, work and school so now she's sick in bed with a fever for not taking care of herself.

I sigh. At least I'm here to take care of her and watch over her.

I arrive to the front of the door and take out the house key that Risa gave to me earlier so I could help take care of Misaki today.

I open the door and look around the house.

It's empty... I think to myself. No one is here.... well except for Misaki.

"Misa-chan. It's Tooru. I'm here..." I call out in the house so she would know that I'm here. I take off my shoes and enter the house.

"Tooru..." Misaki comes out from her room with a towel on her forehead and a blanket around her in her pajamas.

My eyes widen and I direct her back to her bed. "Misa-chan go back to bed you can't just get out of bed. You're sick! You need some rest!"

"I know... but I'm--- " Misaki's stomach starts to grumble and she blushes.

"Pfft," I chuckle.

Misaki is so cute!

"Don't worry Misa-chan! I'll cook you some porridge so go back to bed and get some rest!" I wink.

"T-Thanks Tooru," Misaki lightly smiles. "I'll look forward to your porridge then."

Misaki goes back to bed and I put on an apron. I spread all the things that I need on table and look at it.

I don't make porridge often. The last time I ate porridge was when I was sick as a kid and my mom made porridge for me.

Yet with the power of love! I was able to make a porridge that I see qualify to have the power to heal a sick person!

I head to Misaki's room with the bowl of porridge in my hands and knock her bedroom door. "Misa-chan I finished making your porridge, can I come in?" I ask and wait for her response.

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