14. Bumps On The Road

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Oikawa POV
(At Kawasaki Restaurant)

How did we end up in this situation!? I take glance at Misaki who's happily eating her meal with Mihane, Riko (Mihane's friend), and Kindaichi. I'm so jealous of Kindaichi~ Why does he end up in a table with all the girls?! When we came into this restaurant each table could only hold up to 4 people so the eight of us got split up. Iwaizumi, Kunimi, Touya and I on one table and the 3 girls and Kindaichi on the other table.

"Why am I here with all of them...." Touya mutters with disappointed tone as he eats his noodles. I look at pitiful Touya sitting in front of me with a depressed demeanor surrounding him. His gloomy mood rapidly spreads around our table and I swear mushrooms can grow around him any moment.

Time to play the nice guy. "Touya-chan let's not get angry now. We all want to be with the girls, but isn't it more fun meet new people like us~" I fake a smile to Touya, but he sulks seeing my face.

"Don't say my name like that. It's gross," Touya pouts. "I'm surrounded by three boys. I wish I was the turnip head kid over there with the girls instead of sitting in front of an annoying brunette flirt." 

Brunette flirt?! "W-What are you talking about?" My eyebrow twitches and I turn to my reliable friend, Iwaizumi for back up. "Iwa-chan I'm not an annoying brunette flirt? I'm just trying to be friendly like how I usually am right~ right~ right~" I nudge him and he spits his food out.

Iwaizumi turns to me with a pissed off expression."Trashykawa shut the hell up!! I'm trying to enjoy my meal!!!" Iwaizumi angrily shouts and tries to eat his meal again.

I quickly turn to my kouhai, Kunimi, for some help and show him my sweet puppy eyes. "Kunimi-chan what do you think? A-Am I an annoying flirt?" I ask him. He looks at me for a few seconds and then goes back to his meal. What the--?? He ignored my plead for help?! "W-Well my friends are having a long day, but I'm sure that they know that--" I try to make an excuse, but I get interrupted by Touya.

"You're so obnoxious. You're probably the reason why Misaki isn't with us," Touya murmurs with smug look on his face. A vein pops on my head seeing that infuriating smile and I break the chopsticks in my hand. I hate this guy so much!!!!

"Hey Kunimi why were you following us anyways?" I overhear Iwaizumi ask Kunimi.

Kunimi sighs hearing Iwaizumi's question. "Mihane's the one who wanted to follow you two around so she made Riko, Kindaichi, and I come along with her," he briefly looks my way. "The four of us didn't know that we were going to end up following Misaki and her boyfriend though." Kunimi tells us.

Touya's aura suddenly changes from his dispirited self to a man filled with sunshine much to my disturbance. "You thought Misaki and I were a couple~" Touya eyes light up and pulls Kunimi next to him. "It's official I'm the perfect match for Misaki." Touya says with a winning look.

"Kunimi-chan. Those two aren't dating at all!!!!" I shout out loud. "That's her brother in law!"

"A brother in law that looks like Misa's boyfriend," he says with a smirk. "What are you two? Simple childhood friends~ all you've done was play with her as kids. You don't even know who she really is," he taunts Iwaizumi and I.

My hands form a fist in rage and I bite my lip. A childhood friend... am I just a childhood friend to her.... What's Touya to Misaki??? What's Iwaizumi to Misaki??? What I am I to her???? Is there someone in Misaki's heart already??? All these thoughts pop up and the words I want to say are stuck in my throat. I look at Iwaizumi's who's completely frustrated with himself. We... We don't know anything about Misaki....

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