20. Hospital Check-up

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Misaki POV
(In Tsukinose Hospital)

Today is my 3 month knee check up with the doctor and I'm not looking forward to it at all. Dr. Tsukinose is nice young doctor that I specifically asked for because he's not pushy about my knee surgery.

He used to play volleyball in the past so he understands where I'm coming from, but I'm still worried about this appointment.

I glance back at Touya who's scrolling through his smartphone sitting down waiting with me.

"Touya, you didn't have to come here with me. I would've have been fine on my own," I tell him and he shakes his head.

"Risa told me to come and make sure you were fine," Touya says and pumps his fists. "As your brother-in-law I will make sure you are healthy and strong!" He passionately declares with sparkling eyes and I sweatdrop.

Normally brother and sister in laws are suppose to mind their own business, but I guess that's not always the case.

I smile. It's good that Touya and I are close like family. What I need besides friends like Oikawa and Iwaizumi is family like Touya.

"Did Kise text you about having the photoshoot tomorrow?" Touya asks and I nod my head.

"He did. It's kind of a last minute photoshoot though because of the training camp, but the photographer really wants me to model with Kise again so they moved the date for me," I tell him.

"Of course they want you to model! You stand out the most!" Touya praises me with a silly grin but his smile falters realizing something important. "But I hope you're not pushing yourself," Touya says in concern and I shake my head.

"I'm not. I'm fine," I reassure him.

"That's good. How was the training camp? Did you make any unforgettable memories?" Touya asks and my face flushes thinking about Iwaizumi's confession.

A vein pops on Touya's head and he immediately stands up with a murderous aura. "Okay which one of them finally had the guts to do it!?" Touya says ready for the kill and crackles his knuckles. "Was it the flirty brunette? I'm perfectly fine with beating him up."

"No. Oikawa would never hurt me," I push Touya back down to his seat. "It's just that Iwaizumi confessed to me." I tell him and Touya's eyes widen.

"He confessed.... Iwa-kun I can't beat him up. He'll beat me up first," Touya mumbles and starts to calm himself down. "If that's the case... how did you respond?" Touya asks as he stares at me with his big, curious eyes.

I sigh. "I told him that I couldn't be his girlfriend," I tell him and he purses his lips.

"You know Misaki if you ever reject someone because you only saw him as a friend then that's fine. Yet if you ever like someone but rejected him because you don't want to be a burden to him with your knee then I won't accept it. No matter what, I want you to think about your feelings first. More than anything I want you to be happy Misaki," Touya tells me with a serious gaze.

"... I will," I hesitantly answer, "but I don't think I'll like anyone any time soon," I tell him and he chuckles.

"I wish love was that easy, but it isn't. You don't get to choose who you fall in love with, by the time you fall in love with someone it's impossible to get yourself out of it," Touya says as he pushes back his blond hair with a smile. "When you love someone you realize that you want to be by their side and be with them forever," he says and shrugs. "But what do I know? I'm only the president of the photography club," he jokes.

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