53. Please Watch Over Me

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Oikawa POV

Her parents are dead....

Those words repeat in my head and eyes dilate in shock. "What are you talking about?" I ask completely startled by his statement and Touya keeps his eyes to the road.

"I wasn't there myself but I heard about the accident from Risa," Touya says and I notice the sad look in his eyes. "You knew didn't you? That two years ago Misaki moved due her father's job? Have you ever thought of what happened after that?"

I bite the bottom of my lip.

It's not a time I would like to remember. It was after the volleyball awards ceremony for us and I wanted to confess my feelings to Misaki, but Misaki suddenly announced that she was going to move because of her father's new job.

I didn't even ask where she was going to live because I was so frustrated. Frustrated that she didn't tell me until the day before. Frustrated that there were things that I couldn't control. Frustrated that I couldn't be with her.

I didn't confess my feelings for her on that day and I could only congratulate her for the award she got as an all rounder. I thought that she would keep in contact with me even when she moved but she didn't and I didn't have the confidence to contact her myself.

I only thought about myself at that time and to me that is one of my biggest regrets...

Touya glances over and continues. "On the day of the move, there was a truck that severely hit their car. The impact was so strong that it killed her parents immediately and left Misaki's right knee heavily damaged."

My eyes dilate and I forget to breathe. He's joking right? Her parents died the day after the awards ceremony!?

I don't say a word. I can't say a word. I never knew about it.

Touya notices my silence and pauses, but speaks again. "You said she was supposed to go to Niiyama Joshi but you heard from Aki that she went to Fukurodani Academy right?" He asks and I can only nod my head.

"Well that's true because Risa offered to take care of her after her parents' death so Misaki attended Fukurodani Academy because that was the school close by Risa's home," Touya says and I notice him biting the bottom of his lip to try to stop himself from crying.

"I could still remember Misaki after the car accident," Touya says and tightly grips onto the car wheel. "She didn't cry or display any emotion. She lost all hope and will to live. Her parents died and her knee injury was so grave. There were times that I saw Risa break down in tears because Misaki didn't eat or talk."

I clench my hands. Misaki.... you went through all of that... I grit my teeth. I wish I was there for you when you needed it the most.

A stop light appears on the road and Touya stops the car. "You know I didn't know you two years ago and although I hate you at times... I want to say thank you." Touya mumbles and my eyes widen.

"Misaki always felt alone. Even though, Misaki's sister and my older brother were willing to take care her. Misaki felt like she intruding in Risa's home. She even started working as a model to pay for her living expenses there even though Risa told her that she didn't need to," Touya explains. "She never did smile and do things for herself, until Risa showed her a picture of you, Iwaizumi, and her of the day of the awards ceremony... when Misaki saw that picture she smiled. She said she needed to keep her promise and began to move forward. Misaki started to play volleyball again at Fukurodani Academy and slowly she began to be her regular self thanks to you."

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