31. Setters for Life

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Oikawa POV
(At front of Misaki's door)

I hit my chest a bunch of times to calm my racing heart. I can't believe I came here all by myself. Just after ringing the doorbell, I recalled the last time I came over to Misaki's apartment to watch a movie with her.


I sweatdrop. Maybe I should've asked Iwaizumi if he wanted to come or at least make a plan of what I would do when I get to this point, but I didn't.

I glance at Misaki's door.

Maybe it's not too late to escape???

I get ready to escape, but the door suddenly creaks open and I stop. I quickly fix my hair and try to look as composed as I could possibly be.

"Oikawa?" Misaki greets me surprised by my sudden appearance.

"Hi M-Misa-chan!" My voice cracks and my cheeks flush from messing up a simple greeting.

"What are you doing here? Don't you have boys volleyball practice now?" Misaki asks me as she looks around behind me to see if there was anyone else tagging along.

"Uh um..." my mind starts to spin around realizing that I didn't really come up with an excuse to come visit.

I put my hands on my hips and muster up some confidence so it wouldn't get any more awkward. "I was just walking and breathing in some fresh air then I just happened to be in front of your apartment," I state and Misaki stares at me with a confused look.

"Wait what?" Misaki questions.


I sweat bullets realizing how lame I sound in front of Misaki. 

It's so obvious that I'm visiting her to see how's she doing. Urgghhh!!! I want to go hide in a trash can right now!

"Um Oikawa? If you want you could come?" Misaki gestures. "You might attract some attention standing out there making angry faces to yourself." Misaki says then giggles.

I blush realizing how I was openly venting to myself. So embarrassing!

I awkwardly scratch the back of my neck. "Sure, if that's fine with you." I smile, but I could feel butterflies in my stomach.

Inner Oikawa: It's okay! You're a man! Don't get nervous! Misaki doesn't even notice you as a guy!

I feel a literal stab in the heart from my own self thoughts. That's right... She only sees me as a friend.

Hahahahahaha.... my inner self spirit flies away. Why get my hopes up to begin with?

"Oikawa? Are you going to come in?" Misaki asks me with her face close to mine and I jolt back in surprised as I put my hands up in defense.

"Y-Yep!" I blurt out.

Why does she always have to be so close when she needs to catch my attention?!

I'm gonna die from a heart attack!

I go into her apartment and realize how empty it is. Before when I went to her house I was so nervous being alone with her to watch a movie that I didn't notice that all her apartment has are necessaries to live.

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