The opening number by Neil was as expected amazing, and the jokes he pulled were very funny too. The first award that the film was nominated for was original screenplay, and amazingly we won the writers in the acceptance speech thanks Seb, me and judi for bringing his script to life. As the show went on more jokes were told and more awards given out to their respected owners, it was approaching the end of the night and the last 3 awards still had to be awards starting with mine. I smiled as I saw Jennifer Lawrence walks on stage to present, "this category contains some of the best in the business from seasoned actresses like Meryl Streep to first time nominees like (Y/F/N)." She begins "but that doesn't mean that the talent these 6 women possess are greater than the rest, all of them are equal in talent and all deserve to take the Oscar home tonight. Let's have a look at the nominees". The footage plays of all of us and the scenes they picked to show, mine was the scene that Chris came to watch were I get slapped by Seb. I must have been holding my breath because Chris took my hand and started gently rubbing it with his thumb to remind me to breathe, the clip ended and Chris pulled my hand to his lips to kiss me good luck. "and the Oscar goes to..." Jennifer says opening the envelope "(Y/F/N), Voices" she announces. My jaw just drops and my hand covers my mouth in surprise, this must have been some sort of mistake. I stand up shaking getting proud hugs from Seb and Chris before I make my way up on stage, jen hugs me and passes me my Oscar before gesturing to the mic. I look out onto the crowd to see almost everyone stood up clapping for me "oh wow, okay I know I haven't got long so I'll make this quick" I start voice shaking a little "I just wanted to say thanks to everyone I have ever worked with, the directors, writers, co-stars. I also want to thank the other nominees and every other actor and actress out there for being the inspirations that got me here, and this awards is for all of you. This award is also for everyone out there that it chasing their dreams, what every their dreams may be a politician, an actor, a builder" I pause, welling up at whole situation "and I want to tell you never to stop chasing your dreams, even if people tell you to stop, don't. I have had many people tell me to give acting up and focus on something else, but I didn't listen to them and here I am now. So don't give up your dreams because when it come to the end you want to be able to think back at the dream you achieved along with others you didn't know you had so thank you" I finish wiping away a couple of stray tears. I walk of back stage with jen "oh (Y/N) so proud of you" she says hugging me "thanks so much, I still don't believe it" I say smiling like a madman. "I didn't believe it either when I won, it only started to sink in when I did the questions after which to me sounded like I was being auctioned off!" she laughs, "thanks jen, so much I'll see you at the after party" I tell her before making my way back to my seats. "(Y/N) I told you, oh I'm so proud" Chris says enveloping me in another hug when I return, he pulls away slightly but only to kiss me before we sat down.

Neil did another sketch type thing before the best actor award was awarded, I could see Seb getting more and more nervous "you've got this, and if you haven't you are still amazing okay?" I tell him. He looks over smiles and nods "thanks (Y/N)" he says, George Clooney then walks onto the stage to present the award. We watch the clips from the other nominees, they play the clip where Seb has one of his more sad breakdowns and is begging it to stop. I could remember that day, the tears shown in the clip from me defiantly were real as it felt so real and I really wanted to stop it. "and the Oscar for best actor goes to..." George says opening the envelop "Sebastian stan!" I stand to hug Seb immediately as he stands slightly in shock, Chris also gives him a hug and pat on the back before he makes his way up. Seb excepts his award and stands by the mic "this is unbelievable, literally all of this, being here, getting this, meeting George Clooney" he says before turning to George "because you are amazing man, I just want to thank my family, the writer for an amazing script, the director for helping me bring it alive and my co-stars (Y/N) and Judi for being the best co-stars a guys could ask for. And thanks everyone that I have ever worked with whether its with marvel or not, thanks" he says smiling proudly, he goes to leave but remembers one more thing "oh and to everyone dealing with schizophrenia or has a loved one dealing with it, this is for you" he finished walking backstage with George no doubt asking for a picture with him. When he returned he held out his hand for a high five and couldn't wipe the smile of his face "I feel like I'm on cloud nine" Seb muttered as he sat down "do you think the movie will win best picture?" he asks quietly. I shrug my shoulders "honestly I haven't got a clue, I didn't think I would win best actress but it did" I tell him before returning my attention back to the stage and linking hands with Chris.

We did in fact win best picture and I was now going to where I would be asked a bunch of questions, I walk onto the small stage holding my Oscar smiling at everyone. "okay so we will start with number 65 then 96 and onto 34" one of the members of staff says to the crowd "whoa jen was right this is like an auction" I joke getting a laugh from the crowd. "hi just like to say congratulations on your win, what was going through your mind when you won" a lady asks, I scan for her in the crowd while she talks "wait where are you?" I ask still unable to find her "over to you left" she says waving slightly "ah yeah there you are! If I'm honest I thought it was a mistake and that when I got up there they would be like haha nope lol"I laugh. We move onto the next question "hi, in the movie there are many emotional scenes, which did you find the hardest to film?" a man ask, I struggle to find him again "aha they you are, gosh this is like a where's waldo finding you guys" I say pointing over when I find him "I think the hardest was when my character returns from leaving for a while and I see the state that Seb's character jake is in, because he deteriorate and it felt so real" I tell him thinking back to the filming of that scene. "okay last question" a member of staff says, "hello (Y/N) on your left" a guy starts "have you been having around with Chris and Antony Mackie" I joke receiving a laugh "congrats on the win, what's the one thing that you want people to take from this movie" he ask. "oh wow, good question, um well just a better understanding of the condition and the effects it can have on not just the person who has it but their loved ones, and also to diminish the misconceptions of the stereotypical madman" I explain, a few photos were taken before I made my way down and back to everyone else.

The after party was amazing I loved it, so many people we coming up and saying congratulations and if I'm honest I was pretty much star struck the entire time. I even got a hug from Meryl streep when she came over to say congrats "well done, so well deserved I loved the movie and you in it" she says smiling "you are such an amazing actress and you are defiantly one of my inspirations" I tell her. "and you two are the sweetest couple around" she says gesturing to Chris who was stood slightly behind me talking to seb, I feel my cheeks blush slightly "thanks, I really do love him" I say glancing over my shoulder to Chris " I can tell that by the way you look at him, if you weren't already engaged I would be telling him to put a ring on it" she laughs sweetly "it was very nice meeting you" she says, "and it was such an honour meeting you" I smile back as she parts ways with us. I turn to see Chris smiling at me, he closes the gap and puts his arms around my waist pulling me into a hug. I place my arms around his shoulders and smile up at him "love you too" he smirks, "oh so you did hear me?" I laugh slightly "of course, and I'm glad I did put a ring on it because I couldn't be more proud of you" he smiles leaning down and kissing me. When we pull away I reach up to whisper in his ear "and it's all because of you" I tell him, he looks down at me "and how's that?" he ask "because almost two years ago now you set me on this path" I remind him. "yes but you did all the hard work, I was just the one who caught you when you fell" he smiles kissing me once more.


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