We take dodger to the local park to run around, playing fetch with him. There was barely anyone out so we almost had the place to ourselves, we walked hand in hand around the park just talking about stuff like the wedding and the upcoming press tour leading up to the premier in may. "I was thinking, once this movie is done we have a year off, just to enjoy married life" Chris says thinking out loud, I look up to him "yeah I like that, just us doing almost normal day to day stuff no jetting around for press stuff" I say. Dodger then comes running back to us with his ball waiting for one of us to throw it, I lean down to pick it up and then chuck it as far as I can watching as he runs after in. we walk on for a little longer "oh man that cloud looks pretty dark" Chris says pointing up to the sky, I look up to see the dark cloud above us "ah I bet it will just pass" I say shrugging my shoulders looking a back over at dodger who was playing with another dog. It's a good thing I didn't become a weather women as I would be terrible as only 5 minutes later the heavens opened and we were being rained on like we were at Niagara falls. "told you it looked bad" Chris say before calling dodger over "come on lets get home" he puts dodger on the lead and looks over at me smiling at him "what?" he ask. "it's the nice kind of rain" I tell him looking up so the rain it my full face, he looks at me confused "the nice kind, there isn't a nice kind just the wet kind" he says his voice having to get louder as the rain got heavier "and I haven't got a hood" he complains. I pull mine down so my hair gets wet as well "is that fairer now?" I smirk "come on just let it fall on to your face it's refreshing" I say pulling on his arm. He sighs in defeat lifting his head up "I'm not finding this refreshing" he mumbles, "then look at me" I tell him. We both stand there drenched from the rain, my smile eventually makes a smile break out on his face "now just kiss me" I say softly placing one hand on his cheek, he does the same tilting my head up and bringing it towards his as our lips gently touch and we start kissing in the rain. When we pull away I'm the first to speak "okay lets go home, I'm cold now" I say making Chris laugh "come on then" he smirks taking one hand in mine as the 3 of us walk as fast as we can home.

When we get inside we all shake off the excess water, dodger spraying the both of us with water in the process "I'll go get the towels for him and for us" Chris says taking of his coat and shoes. He runs off upstairs to get the towels but before he can even get to the stairs his wet socks slip on the hard floor causing him to fall, I try and fail to hold back the laughter as he gets up as quickly as he fell "I'm okay" he laughs before dashing upstairs a lot more carefully. I remove my coat and shoes shivering from the cold rain that clung to my body while both me and dodger waited for Chris to return. When he did we dried on dodger together first before using fresh towels for ourselves, Chris towel dried his hair making it look dishevelled before removing his wet top and jeans leaving him in his boxers. "you're not gonna dry off if you keep the wet clothes on" Chris smirks, I playfully hit him on the arm "well I'm not really the one for stripping" I tell him as I remove the jumper I was also wearing. "at least take your jeans off, wet jeans are the worst" he bargains, I sigh in defeat "fine, but that's it" I tell him removing my jeans leaving me in a top and undies. "come lets go get into some comfy clothes" Chris smiles holding out his hand, I take it but proceed to be throw over his shoulder "Chris!" I laugh as he runs up the stairs me bouncing with each step "you better not fall over again" I warn him. "don't worry I took my socks off" he laughs as he runs into our bedroom chucking me on the bed "you realise I could have easily have walked up the stairs" I tell him sitting up on the bed "yeah but that's no way near as fun" he laughs walking over to the closet and pulling out a t-shirt. "very true, as unexpected it was" I laugh following him over to the closet to grab a pair of joggers and a dry top. I take off my wet top and dry off quickly and slide on my dry clothes, Chris doing the same "hot chocolate?" Chris asks. I turn to look at him "hot chocolate and a Christmas movie?" I ask, Chris holds out his hand "deal, I'll do the drinks you get the film ready" he say as I take his hand and shake it before we head downstairs to fulfil our tasks.

The Christmas movie I choose was elf, and me and Chris were soon cuddled up without hot chocolates and a blanket watching the movie. Half the way through I get a text from Seb:

From Seb: Hey (Y/N), have you seen how well voices is doing. Its great isn't it and there's a whole lot more Oscar buzz now!

From (Y/N): yeah I did, I'm so proud of it, of us. I'm happy that's there buzz but let's not get ahead of ourselves just in case, nominations aren't out until the end of January and it hasn't been Christmas yet!

From Seb: true, can't help but hope though. Speaking of Christmas how are you guys spending it, with family?

From (Y/N): just the two of us for the majority, but will be making visits to Chris's family for Christmas lunch and my parents and brother are coming over for it as well, we all wanted a big family one before the wedding. What about you?

From Seb: family, really looking forward to, I have to go out now so bye for now

From (Y/N): bye for now.

I put my phone down and return my attention back to the movie, "what did Seb want?" Chris asks looking down at me "just wanted to see if I had seen how well our movie has been doing" I tell him nuzzling into his embrace more. He responds by hugging me tighter and resting his head on top of mine "it has been doing really well, I'm so proud of you munchkin, truly Oscar worthy" he tells me, I can't help but smile "thanks gorgeous, that means a lot, I would be so happy if it did get nominated even if we didn't win" I say. We continue watching the movie, at one point we had rearranged ourselves so that we were both lying down on the couch. The movie had ended and I looked up to see Chris fast asleep beside me, I carefully turn off the tv and pull up the blanket to cover the both of us before allowing myself to fall asleep too.

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