You see, this whole experience has made me hard and my heart cold. I don’t trust anyone and I don’t form any relationships with people. It should be pretty clear what my feelings are toward the Volturi. I hold nothing but hatred and resentment in my heart for all of them, especially Jane. When she joined the Volturi, I had already been here for two years. She has always been a cruel, malicious bitch to me and I return the favor within my restrictions as a servant. My confrontations with her are the talk between the guards and even the leaders have heard of my refusal to back down from her. While I can hold my own verbally, Jane ultimately has the upper hand physically. She uses her power relentlessly against me whether in a fight or not but I will never let her see me crack. I refuse to show any fear around her which only makes her angrier. One day I’m going to try to escape the awful place that is the Volturi lair but I doubt that day is very soon.

        So that leads me to my current predicament with the Volturi which involves being in the small town of Forks, Washington. Word reached Aro that an immortal child had been made. Truthfully, I didn’t see the harm. So what if a child is turned into a vampire? But for whatever reason, it’s a big no-no in the vampire community. Therefore, the whole Volturi, including some of the servants, up and traveled to Forks to confront the Cullen family, the vampire coven with the supposed immortal child. Needless to say, when we arrived we didn’t expect to see that the Cullens had gathered there own little army. Quite impressive if you ask me and surprise, surprise the information turned out to be misleading. Apparently, the child in question was born from a human girl, who had been turned after the delivery, and a vampire boy from the Cullen coven was the father. It was unheard of for such a creature to exist yet here the child was. It was all very fascinating to me but Caius wouldn’t believe it. He wanted to punish them and start a fight but nothing transpired. Aro was far too smart to start a fight with a considerable amount of supernatural creatures. Along with the Cullens, there were other vampires with powers rivaling the Volturi’s and shape-shifters. The shape-shifters were another interesting sight. They shifted into wolves that were bigger than regular wolves. There were several of them and I wanted to know more about them; however, the rest of the Volturi seemed just as perplexed as I did by them.

          As I looked at the Cullens and the wolves from my spot in the Volturi group, I felt a sense of grief. They were real families, not ones like the Volturi were. There was no hate, no domination besides the father figures, and only respect for one another. The parents of the young child we came to see, who I’ve learned are called Bella and Edward, hugged their child in their arms once it was established that Aro wouldn’t make a declaration of war against them. It was a touching moment that almost made my heart cringe and soften. However, it remained hardened as more resentment filled it because I don’t have that. The love every child should feel was ripped away from me at such a young age that I barely remember how to love. ‘Stupid Volturi’ I thought bitterly with a scowl. Aro began gathering everyone once he was done conversing with the “father” of the Cullens, Carlisle. Caius looked thoroughly perturbed as did Jane which caused me great joy. I hid my smirk from the others and looked across the field once again. I found myself drawn to watch them. The several covens seemed to be preparing to disperse. Bella was talking to one of the shape-shifters who was back in human form. The rest had followed suit and were all standing around talking to one another. Their physical characteristics were very similar. Each of them had black hair and brown eyes from what I could tell. I only spotted one girl in the group but aside from her, all the shape-shifters were boys. The boys stood shirtless with only shorts on. It gave anyone looking a nice view of their chests and stomachs which were chiseled and muscular. Strangely enough, they all had the same tattoo on their upper arms. It looked like some sort of tribal symbol with intricate designs.

        The remaining members of the Volturi began to fade into the forest surrounding the field but I stayed in place as they brushed past me. The child, who I think was called Renesmee, ran to one of the shape-shifters. He picked her up and twirled her around. On his face was pure adoration for her, a puzzling emotion for him to have for such a young child. Renesmee giggled as she jumped gracefully down and ran to three of the other boys. They all smiled at her. One of them picked her up and took her back to her parents. This boy wasn’t the biggest of the pack but he definitely wasn’t the smallest. He walked with a confidence and was so sure of himself. I have to admit that he was rather attractive.

       Being in the Volturi, I was used to being around stunning people. Beauty is one of the perks that come with being a vampire although I still don’t think any of the Volturi are remotely good looking. When I was back in Oregon, I had my share of school girl crushes but nothing serious obviously. After I was taken by the Volturi, I was never allowed out of the lair so I don’t see anyone but vampires and other servants. As I watched the boy walking towards Bella, I felt a strange feeling that I hadn’t in a long time. It was like I wanted to go to him but that wasn’t possible. The lines were drawn and I was clearly on the opposing side. I shook any thought of possibly liking this boy out of my mind. I doubt even if we were to ever meet that he’d want someone like me, cold and unfeeling except for hate.

       On my side of the field, only a few lingered. On the other side, not much was different. The other covens had left along with some of the shape-shifters and the Cullens. All that remained was Edward, Bella, Renesmee, and the two boys that had held her. “Let’s go Embry and Jacob,” another shape-shifter ordered from the edge of the forest. He looked to be the oldest of the bunch and held a type of authority in his voice. He gave off the effect of a leader. The two boys said their goodbyes to the Cullens and turned to follow the other shape-shifter.

       “Come Lamia, we wouldn’t want you getting attacked by an animal. What a shame it would be if you were to die,” Jane stated sardonically, walking around me. “Oh, I’m sure you’d just be crushed knowing your favorite servant was gone. Maybe then you could be of some importance in the Volturi,” I retorted with my own sarcasm. Her eyes turned a deep red and gave me a murderous look. “You’ll pay for that comment,” she hissed, her glare still on me. She wouldn’t use her power on me in the presence of others but I’d feel her wrath once we returned to Volterra. “I’m looking forward to it,” I reply with a smirk. She huffed and pushed past me roughly, knocking me to the side a little. I stared after her before taking one last glance across the field. Everyone had left, leaving the field open and bare. “Happy birthday to me,” I sighed and with that, followed after Jane.

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