The not so cool brother that is Zayn Malik (BSM)

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My names Ashlea malik. Zayn is my older brother, I love but the only down side is i am 16 but he still treats me like i'm 6.

I was staying at Zayn's for the weekend. He would always smoke around me because I were 'used to it'.

Zayn's phone rung and he left the room to answer it. He left his fags in the room and which I thought 'bingo' as I really wanted to try it.

I picked up the half empty packet of cigarettes, I took one out and quickly lit it and smoked it.

"Woah" I said as i blew the smoke out.

It felt so weird but so good at the same time. I look up to see Zayn completely shocked.

"Drop it" He said clenched his teeth.

Luckily there was an ashtray. So I placed it on it.

"You're grounded! How dare you smoke! You're under-aged and not allowed! You're not staying tonight but you're going back to Mum's!" He shouted. I stuck my nose up

"Then why do you smoke Zayn? Why do you want to smoke?" I shouted

"I-It's a habit" He said

"Yeah right!" I said, Before leaving the room.

I went upstairs got my stuff that I luckily had not unpacked yet. I walked downstairs with it but I heard Zayn talking to someone on the phone.

"Yeah, I do think we can do did."

"Come on Mum! Trust me?"

"Thanks its going to work! bye, love you too."

But I could only hear what Zayn was saying.


I walked round the corner with him.

"Right I'm meant to be starting my tour on Monday and now your coming with me and the boys on tour!"

"What?!? Why? What about school? And my friends?"

"Cause both me and Mum think it will do you some good, You can do your school work online, Your friends will understand anyway you got me and the boys!"

"Do I get choice in this?"

"Not really! But its for the best Ash. come on, Your love it!"

"Alright then but I need to know, Am I still grounded?"

"Yes for a very long time!" I sighed.

"You give me that attitude! It will be even longer now let's go bed" As we were walking up the stairs I say



"When do we fly out?"

"Tomorrow night" We got upstairs. I went to walk to the guest bedroom but then Zayn spoke.

"No your staying in my room with me tonight"


"Your not leaving my sight for at least a week after your little stunt Missy, Now my room" He said pointing at his door.

I went without a fight cause I were tried but I knew Zayn was gonna act like this all tour. I am not gonna go down with out a fight. I fell asleep really easy that night.


I woke up the next morning to see Zayn opening the curtains.

"Rise and shine sleepy head"

The not so cool brother that is Zayn Malik (BSM) (One direction and 5sos story)Where stories live. Discover now