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Enjoy everyone.

**Justin's Point of View**

I lay on my bed and giggle at baby Dory as she swims around.

"M-Mommy look!" I squeal happily.

My mom looks up from her book and smiles at me. Feeling her stare I quickly look down at my fingers and play with them.

A knock sharply is placed on the door and I scream in terror.

"Mommy w-what's that?" I yell scared.

"Honey it's just the doctor."

She lets him in and I hide under the blankets. I poke my head out a little and the doctor is staring at me. I yelp a little and hide back under the blankets.

"Justin, it's ok buddy I won't hurt you."

"P-Promise? I won't get any owwies." I ask.

"Nope, none. But, I brought in a doctor from another hospital and he might be able to help you."

Another man comes in and his loud feet hit the floor scaring me.

"Help! Mommy! Stranger! H-Help." I say fidgeting to get out of bed.

Mommy comes to my side and rubs my arm, placing me back down on the pillow.

"It's ok. He's going to try to help you, ok?" she says.

I nod my head and the doctor comes to me. I flinch at his touch and squirm in the bed.

He checks my heart rate and pulls out a tool looking thing. He hits my knee with it and I scream.

"You said no o-owwies!"

"Calm down, I'm just testing your reflexes." he says.

He runs other tests and I feel really uncomfortable. I want to go home. I want to see Prim.

I don't want her to like Cameron more than me. Will she?

The doctor makes me snap back to attention when he injects my arm with a needle.

"Mommy!" I yell.

She hugs me and I burry my face into her shoulder. The doctor hurt me. He promised.

Is everyone out to get me? That's what it seems like lately. Why can't I get better? What's wrong with me?

Hope you liked it. Please leave comments.


What should happen? You guys can decide.

Love you guys.

Much Love.

xoxo ~Cassie❤️

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