"Not unless you tell me to Erin."I say and she smiles,I reach for her cuz I see Erin wants to sleep."It's fine Kai..."

"I got her, you should rest."I say rocking Christiana as she starts drifting off too,so far she's a good baby."Ok thanks."She says closing her eyes and within seconds she's knocked out.I look between the two of them and frown,from the very moment I knew I loved Erin this was something I looked foward to but now that it's here...It's hard to accept the fact that I have a child with her but we're not together.I sigh all of a sudden feeling shitty and lay Christiana back in the crib thing,I sit down on the couch as the nurse walks back in and smiles at me."Aww mommy and baby girl are asleep huh?"She says and I just give a polite laugh,she goes over to Christiana and checks on her before turning to me."Did you guys come up with a name?"

"Christiana Nayari."I say smiling and the nurse smiles back, writing it down."One N or two in Christiana?"She asks and without hesitation I answer."One..it's already long enough."I joke and she laughs,I spell Nayari how I think Erin would spell it and the nurse finishes up."Ok I'll let you guys be until I bring lunch for Erin."She says grabbing her stuff and I nod before she leaves.

"Knock knock..."Trystan says opening the door and I get up and walk over to her."Hey Kai.."

"Hey Trystan."I say hugging her and then briefly kissing her."How is she?"She asks and I can't help but smile as I lead her over to a still sleeping Christiana."They're both fine."I say and Trystan covers her mouth as she's smiling hard,she turns to me snd hugs me tight."Congratulations babe!"She says but I shake my head,Ion know if she's mine so Ion need congratulations right now."Ion know if she's mine yet so chill Trystan."

"She looks just like you Kai!"She says accidentally raising her voice so I shush her."You think so?"I ask studying Christiana's face again and now I kinda see it."What's her name?"She asks setting her purse down and then holding my hand."Christiana Nayari."I answer and Trystan nods smiling."She's beautiful Kai,she's definitely yours...do you want her to be yours?"She asks avoiding my eyes and I turn to her and absent-mindedly rub her shoulder."Ion know...but even if she isn't I'm a still be there for her."

"The baby or Erin?"She asks looking at me and I sigh shaking my head. "The both of them...you knew what you were getting into when you got with me Trystan."I say reminding her and she rolls her eyes moving away from me. "Well is she still gonna be living with you?"She asks and I don't answer at first cuz I honestly don't know. "If she needs to, for a while, yes."I answer and she sighs moving her hair out her face. "You said I knew what I was getting myself into...I didn't know that I would be with someone who was still invested in someone else Kai!"She says raising her voice and I frown checking on Christiana."I'm not "invested" in Erin Trystan."I say lowering my voice and she sniffs before wiping her eyes,I don't want to make her upset but we clearly have shit to talk about. "You still love her Kai..and now you have a child together. Ion think this is working. "She says and I can tell she doesn't mean that shit,I like Trystan but she gets in her own head sometimes.

"If it's not working then leave."I say knowing she won't and she proves me right by just standing there biting her lip. "Why won't you leave Trystan?"

"Cuz I love you Kai!I love you and I don't want to leave,I just want you to feel the same about me. "She says and I frown running my hand through my curls as I just stare at her now wet face.I like Trystan alot but I'm not sure if I'm in love with her. "Can you say something or should I just go?"She asks and I step closer to her without saying anything,I grab her hands and just look down at them as she sniffs."I like you Trystan..."I say and she looks up at me,waiting."I already told you I'm focused on you and that I want to see where this goes...but I don't like feeling like I'm being forced to say I love you. Honestly I don't feel that for you..at least not right now,but I really like you Trystan."I say and when I see her tear up again I pull her into me for a hug.

"What is she doing here?!"Erin asks raising her voice as she wakes up and I pull away from Trystan. "She came to check on us...calm down Erin."I say rubbing my eyes as I keep one hand around Trystan's waist. "Ion want her here Kai!Make her leave or I'll call security!"She says getting worked up and I sigh turning to Trystan,I don't want to have Erin stressed out only hours after giving birth.

"Trystan I'll call you later,I just don't want her upset right now."I say and Trystan nods tucking her hair behind her ears,she grabs her stuff but I stop her before she leaves. "Are we good?"I ask licking my lips and she hesitates before nodding,I smile briefly before pecking her lips."I'll call you...ok?"

"Ok Kai..."She says sighing before leaving the room,I turn to Erin and shake my head at her. "Can you please just stop Erin."

"Stop what?"She asks and I sit down putting my head in my hands. "Stop blowing up on her ok?This isn't easy for her either and as much you both hate each other you're stuck with each other."

"Not for long. You'll get tired of her soon enough...probably after your leg heals."She says being cynical and I sigh walking towards the door."Where are you going?"

"I just need to get away...I need some air or some shit."I say opening the door but as soon as I do Christiana starts crying so I turn around and go back into the room.

Erin moves to get her but I get there first and cradle her."I got you baby girl...don't cry."I say comforting her and she eventually stops crying and just looks at me,I just stare back and get so wrapped up in how beautiful she is.I get snapped out of it when she starts whimpering again. "She's probably hungry..."Erin says reaching for her and I nod carefully handing her to Erin,she starts breastfeeding and I turn away not feeling comfortable watching.I tap through my phone waiting for her to finish, I start hearing crying but I know it's not the baby.

"What's wrong?"I ask walking over to her and she's full on crying so I take Christiana from her,luckily she fell back asleep."I don't know if I can do this!"She cries and I frown putting Christiana back in the crib. "Do what?"

"Kai I can't do this without you!"She says covering her face and balling,Ion know what to do so I just get in the bed beside her and hug her. "Stop crying..."

"I'm sorry.."She apolgizes clinging to me and I hear her cries quieting. "You good now?"I ask after we just sit there for a while and I feel her nod against me so I look down."I want you back Kai...please..I'm sorry for cheating,I should have never...I love you so much Kai."She pours out to me and I'm just speechless,she's apologized before but never like this.She tries to kiss me and I almost let her but end up moving so she kisses my jaw instead."I can't do this Erin..."I say trying to get up but she grips my shirt tighter stopping me."Don't go Kai,don't leave me please."She pleads and it takes everything in me to not stay at her side,I get up and leave the room quickly.I stand outside the door and just try and get my shit together.

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