Wake Up

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Connie sat beside Grace's bedside, her hand on her bump as she watched her daughter. It had been eleven months, and although Grace showed signs of brain activity, she had yet to wake up.
Connie had spent almost every night there, yet on the one night that Charlie had convinced her to go home with Jacob since it was their one year anniversary, she managed to fall pregnant after a night of passion.
"You okay?" Jacob asked in concern from the other side of the bed as Connie grimaced whilst rubbing her stomach.
"Mmm, just Braxton hicks" Connie replied through gritted teeth.
Jacob wasn't convinced, and raised an eyebrow at Connie who began breathing heavily.
"I'm taking you to maternity" he said as he stood up, then went round to her and helped her out of the chair.
"No, I can't leave Grace" she panted.
"Baby we've spoken about this, you know you can't have the baby in here" Jacob told her gently.

After finally convincing Connie to leave Grace, they arrived up at maternity, with Connie now crying out in pain.
"I hate you for this Jacob!" She screamed as she gripped her stomach.
"Love you too baby, you're doing great" he soothed.

The midwife soon assigned Connie to a side room, then Jacob helped her change into the gown and get into the bed.
"It really hurts Jacob" she cried as she squeezed his hand.
"I know sweetcheeks, but it'll be worth it" he replied.
Connie's contractions grew closer together as time went on, her waters broken and she was soon pushing.
"That's it Connie, one more big push" the midwife encouraged.
Connie gripped Jacob's hand causing him to wince in pain, then screamed as she pushed with everything she had.
"Well done, you have a beautiful baby boy" she said, grinning as she cut the chord and placed the baby on Connie's chest.
Both her and Jacob cried with happiness as they held their new baby for the first time.

He was cleaned up, wrapped into a blanket then placed back into Connie's arms after she was also cleaned up.
"Do you have a name for the little one?" The midwife asked.
Connie looked up at Jacob, smiling and giving him puppy dog eyes.
"Oh go on, I'm too proud of you to say no" he laughed.
"Thank you" she smiled then looked down at the baby, "Elvis Masters" she whispered.
The midwife laughed, "well Elvis is a very healthy little boy" she smiled.

Jacob sat down on the bed next to Connie, placing a hand on Elvis's head and stroking his hair softly.
"Mrs Beauchamp, Grace is awake" Grace's nurse panted after running up to maternity.
"Oh my god, Jacob I need to see her" Connie cried.
Jacob rushed out, grabbing a wheelchair which he helped Connie into as she held Elvis.
"Where are you going?" The midwife shouted, but neither of them responded as he pushed Connie away.

"Grace, Gracie, mummy's here" Connie cried as she took her hand in her free one.
"Mummy" Grace said, squeezing Connie's hand and looking around until her eyes fixed on the bundle in Connie's arms.
"What's that?" she asked in confusion.
"This is Elvis, he's your baby bother, mine and Jacob's baby" Connie explained gently.
"You had another baby, did you try to replace me?" she asked weakly, know realising that she must have been asleep a very long time considering her mum who wasn't pregnant before the crash, now had a baby in her arms.
"No, no of course not sweetheart. He was a surprise, that's all. I'm so glad you're awake. Do you want to give him a cuddle?" Connie said.
Grace nodded gently then took Elvis into her arms, "I think his names a bit silly mummy" she giggled.
"I agree firecracker, but I couldn't say no to her" jacob laughed then kissed Grace's forehead, "we've missed you" he added.
Grace smiled, "anything else I've missed?" She asked.
"Well there's a puppy at home just waiting to meet you" he replied.
"I love you all so much" she grinned.

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