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"Good morning sweetcheeks" Jacob said as he walked into Connie's office.
"You said good morning when we woke up this morning" Connie said without looking up from her paperwork.
"Does that mean I'm not allowed to say it again?" Jacob asked as he sat down on her couch.
"No, why are you in here Jacob?" Connie asked.
"Oh well I'll go then, not like I came to see my beautiful wife or anything" Jacob said, faking that he was hurt.
"Sorry, I'm just a bit snowed under here" Connie said.
"Actually babe you're needed in resus too" Jacob told her.
Connie sighed, "come on then" she said as she got up from her chair.

Connie walked into resus with Jacob behind her.
"Oh my god Connie, Jacob, will you get him off me?" The woman in the bed shouted trying to get Cal away.
Connie and Jacob's faces went blank as Cal looked at them, "you know her?" he asked them.
"Of course I know them! Jacob's my brother, Connie's my sister in law!" She shouted.
"What?" Cal asked clearly shocked.
"Dr Knight cubicals please, I'll take over here" Connie said before she and Jacob put some gloves on and Cal left.

"How did this happen El?" Connie asked, guestering to her leg that was strapped up and the gash on her head.
"I slipped on some ice" she told him.
"Come on sis, I know you and I know when your lying" Jacob said as he crossed his arms over his chest.
"He pushed me down the stairs" Ella told them quietly.
"Carl did this? Was it the first time?" Jacob asked her although he already new the answer, he knew her husband could get angry and although now he wouldn't put this past him, he was shocked.
"Yeah he did and it's not the first time, but he's really sorry" Ella said.
"I don't give a damn if he's sorry, he can't do that to you El" Jacob said and Connie could sense the anger in his voice.
She placed her hand on his arm gently, "calm down Jacob, we'll sort this but here is not the place" she said.

Connie began to examin Ella's leg whilst Jacob examined her head wound.
"What was that all about? With the doctor, why was he so shocked when I told him how I knew you?" Ella asked.
Connie smiled awkwardly, "he doesn't know me and Jacob are married, nobody does. Infact nobody knows we were ever together in the first place" she told her.
"Oh god, I'm so sorry I've dropped you in it! But why haven't you told them?" Ella said.
"We want our relationship to remain professional, and it was easier to do that with no one knowing, so we kept it a secret" Jacob told her.
"Wow, I never expected that" Ella said.
"Yeah we aren't the only ones keeping secrets from the people closest to them" Jacob muttered.

Connie looked at both him and Ella and saw the hurt in both of their eyes, "Jacob please don't" she warned him.
"Sorry" he muttered.
"Jacob do you want me to get another nurse?" Connie asked him.
Jacob pulled his gloves off, "I'll send Lou in, I'll come to see you later El" he said.
"Wait in my office for me Jacob, cool off for a bit" Connie said.
"Thanks babe, I'll see you later sis" Jacob said before making his way towards the door.
"Jacob" Connie said causing him to turn around, "I love you" she said.
"I love you too" Jacob replied before walking out.

Connie left resus half an hour later and went to her office, being stared at by most of the staff along the way. She assumed Cal had told them what had been said but she didn't care.
"You ok?" She asked Jacob as she closed the door behind her.
"She's my sister Con, my baby sister really, I'm supposed to protect her. And him, he's supposed to love her and care for her but no, he hits her, pushes her about! But still she didn't tell me" Jacob said.
"Because she knew how angry you would be Jacob, she knew how stressed out you would get, how hurt you would be and she didn't want you to feel like that" Connie said as she sat down next to him.
"Is she ok?" Jacob asked.
"Yes she is, her leg isn't broken luckily, but I've said she can stay with us for aslong as she needs to, I assume that's ok with you" Connie said.
"Of course it is" Jacob replied.

"Did you get some strange looks on the way here?" Jacob asked Connie.
"Yes I did, I think it's safe to say Cal told everyone what Ella said" Connie told him.
"Yeah I guess so, but maybe it isn't such a bad thing, they were going to find out eventually" Jacob told her.
"I guess so, come on let's go and see Ella" Connie said then she quickly kissed Jacob and stood up from the couch.
They walked out of Connie's office together with Jacob's arm around Connie's waist and again everyone was staring at them. Just before they reached resus he pulled her closer so they were face to face and gently kissed her lips.
"I love you Mrs Masters" he said.
"I love you too Mr Masters" Connie replied before pushing open the doors to resus.

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