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"Daddy!" Three year old Ariana shouted as she ran up to Jacob followed by the childminder.
Jack and Noel looked up in shock as Jacob picked up the little girl and spun her round, "what are you doing here princess?" he asked.
"Jacob I'm so sorry, I've got a family emergency. I had to bring her in" the childminder said.
"It's fine, go, don't worry about it" he said.
"Daddy? She's yours?" Jack asked.
"My daddy" Ariana said as she cuddled into Jacob and glared at Jack.

"Yeah I'm your daddy aren't I princess? Come on, let's take you to mummy" he said then he carried her through to triage.
"Hey Sweetcheeks" he said to Connie as he walked into her office.
"Can you please tell your son to stop kicking me, I keep flinching and people are starting to notice" Connie said without looking up as she smoothed her blouse out making her bump visible.
"I will do, but for now you have a visitor" he told her.
"Mummy!" Ariana giggled.
"Hello darling, what are you doing here?" Connie asked as she stood up and approached Jacob who closed the door behind them.

"Sarah had a family emergency" Jacob said.
"Oh right, does everyone know then?" she asked as she took Ariana from Jacob.
"Noel and Jack know she's my daughter, and that her mummy works her but that's all" he said.
"I suppose we should tell everyone" Connie said with a sigh.
"Yeah, babe It'll be fine. Is she alright in here, I've got a patient to get back to" Jacob said.
"Course we are, do you want to play a game sweetie pie?" Connie asked Ariana.
"Yeah! Play with my blocks!" Ariana giggled as she attempted to take off her backpack.

Jacob kissed Connie then left her office as she and Ariana sat down on the floor.
Ariana tipped out her pink and purple building blocks onto the floor and began to build with the help of Connie.
"Look mummy! We made a castle!" she giggled.
"Yes we did sweetheart, it's a beautiful castle" Connie said.
"Can we all live there mummy? Me, you, daddy, Gracie and my new baby brother?" Ariana asked.
"Oh it might be a bit small to live in sweetheart but don't worry, you don't need a castle to be our princess" Connie said.

Ariana moved over to Connie and cuddled into her, "can I feel him kick?" she asked.
Connie lifted up her blouse and took Ariana's hand which she placed on her bump causing her to giggle, "I can't wait to meet him mummy" she said.
"Me neither sweetheart" Connie said then she kissed the top of her head just as the door opened.
"Mrs Beauchamp, oh my god, err Mr Hansen needs to see you" Jack stuttered as he watched Connie interact with Ariana who still had her hand on Connie's bump.
"Tell him to wait, I'm playing with my daughter" Connie said.
Jack nodded then closed the door, "I think he thinks you're scary" Ariana giggled.
Connie laughed and cuddled into her again, "should we go home when daddy's finished? Grace should be home from school soon" she said.
"Yeah! Gracie plays dollies with me" she shouted happily.

Jacob came back in twenty minutes later to find Ariana giggling as Connie tickled her.
"Daddy! Help me, tickle mummy" she screamed.
Jacob sat down behind Connie and pulled her backwards into to his arms, "no Jacob, don't tickle me! You know I can't control my bladder well at the moment" she laughed.
"I know, I wasn't going to" he said before kissing her gently.
Connie kissed him back for a few seconds before pulling away, not wanting things to go too far in front of her daughter.
"Can we go home now?" Ariana asked.
"Course princess" Jacob said then he stood up before helping Connie and Ariana up too.

Jacob picked up Ariana and walked out with her on his hip as he held Connie's hand.
Many of the staff where watching them and they were shocked when they began to clap, "we were wondering how long it was going to take for you to tell us, we already knew, well some of us" Rita said.
Connie smiled and lent against Jacob's shoulder, "good night everyone" she said as they continued to walk out.

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