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L - Let go

Connie was sitting by Jacob's bedside as he lay motionless.
"Please wake up, I'm lost without you" She whispered as she caressed his nuckles with her fingers.
"From the moment that I met you my life became extraordinary, you taught me to be my best self, to look forward to tomorrow's adventures, and when I was vulnerable you were strong. I love you Jacob Masters" she said with the tears rolling down her face unable to stop.
Charlie placed his hand on Connie's shoulder, "it's time to let go Connie, he's gone" he whispered.

"No, he can't be gone Charlie, I need him! I love him" Connie cried.
"Connie I'm sorry, I know you love him and I know it hurts but he's gone, Jacob's dead" Charlie said.
Connie stood up and he wrapped his arms around her as she cried into his shoulder.
"It'll be ok Connie, you're strong, I know you are" Charlie whispered.
"But I can't be strong for the both of us" Connie cried.
"You don't have to be strong for Jacob anymore Connie, he wouldn't want you to be like this" Charlie told her.
"I don't mean for him Charlie, I mean for my baby, for his baby" Connie cried.
"Oh Connie, you're pregnant?" Charlie asked to which she nodded.
"He didn't even know, and now he never will" she said sadly.
"Come on, you're coming home with me" Charlie said.
"Thank you Charlie, for everything" Connie replied through her tears.


Six months later Connie gave birth to a baby boy with Jac at her side.
"He's beautiful Connie" Jac whispered, the tears stinging at her eyes too.
"Hi Jacob" Connie said softly as she stroked her baby's cheek.
"I wish your daddy could see you now Jacob, I really do" she whispered then she brought him closer to him and kissed his forehead.
"I miss him so much Jac" Connie said as she tried to choke back a sob.
"I know Con, I know, but you will be ok eventually, it just takes time" Jac said as she tried to comfort her.
"I can't let go, it's impossible, everyday I'm going to look at my baby, his baby and think of him, and everyday it's going to break my heart" Connie cried.
"You're not alone Connie, and as much as it hurts you will one day be able to look at him and think of Jacob and remember the happy times that you shared" Jac told her.
"Thank you Jac" Connie said softly.

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