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"Jacob help me!" Connie shouted from the front door way.
He ran out of he kitchen and down the hall, tea towel still in hand, "oh not again! You had me worried!" he said.
"You should be, I passed the daily limit on my card" she replied as she placed the first pile of 6 shopping bags on the floor.
"How did you pass it?!" Jacob questioned as he followed her upside.
"Just moved on to my other card" Connie smirked.
Jacob groaned and lifted a pile of bags from the boot of the car just as Connie did the same, "woah put them down, you're seven and a half months pregnant" he warned.
Connie nodded and put them on the floor, "more for you then" she smirked.
"Yeah, actually how did you get them to the car?! Connie there must be 15 bags here!" Jacob said.
"There's 16 actually, then another 12 on the back seat. I got myself a muscular stock boy" Connie replied.
Jacob sighed and carried the first load in, "start taking them upstairs to the nursery, no more than 3 at a time" he warned her.

Finally all the bags were upstairs then Connie and Jacob sat down as she began to unpack them.
"How cute is this!" she cried as she held up a tiny blue Chanel baby grow to him.
"Yeah so cute" he replied with a roll of his eyes.
Connie sighed and tipped the next back up, this time the receipt falling out on top.
"Bloody hell Connie I was expecting your limit to be a grand but you've spent half of that in Burberry alone!" Jacob said.
"So?" she replied.
"Oh you're fucking ridiculous! You've spent over four grand!" he shouted before getting up and walking out.
Connie burst into tears and held one of the baby grows against her bump.
"Daddy does love you baby boy, it's just mummy can make him mad sometimes when I do silly things" she whispered.

She sat on the floor for next twenty minutes looking at her purchases and occasionally rubbing her bump.
"Con?" Jacob said softly from the door way.
Connie looked up at him, sniffling and drying her eyes.
"I'm sorry baby, I didn't mean it" he said as he joined her on the floor.
"I just want everything to be perfect for them Jacob, I really want to be a good mum and if that to me means spending more money than I have sense then so be it. Anyway you can't criticise, you spent £12000 on my engagement ring because you said you wanted it to be perfect" she explained.
"And I do want it to be perfect babe, I want it all to be perfect, but an engagement ring is something you keep for life. These clothes, Noah will have grown out of them within two months and you'll just want to go and buy more. I know we have the money con, well we do now, but we can't keep this up everytime you go shopping and everytime you buy new clothes for our baby" Jacob replied.

"I know Jacob, I do, but I was just so unprepared last time with Grace.
I really wanted to do it differently this time. It won't happen again Jacob. I just wanted to be ready, I wanted everything to be right" Connie told him.
"I know baby, I know and I'm so sorry I shouted at you" he said as he put his arm around her shoulder.
She smiled and cuddled into him, "you know I bought you something too" she said.
"What?" he asked.
Connie took another bag and took out a box before handing it to him, "open it" she said.
Jacob took the box and lifted the lid, revealing the beautiful Rolex watch, taking it out and studying the message engraved on the back, 'love your sweetcheeks x'
"Oh Connie it's beautiful, you really shouldn't have babe" he gasped.
"I should have, and I did. Now shut up and just kiss me" she replied before crashing her lips on to his.

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