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"You're doing great Connie, come on" Sam encouraged as Connie pushed, screaming as she did so.
"Ok Connie that's great, one more push and we should be able to see the head" the midwife said.
Connie screamed and pushed again.
"Ok that's great the heads err" the midwife said.
"What? What's wrong?" Sam asked.
The midwife looked at Connie and she knew exactly what was wrong.
"Sam please go outside" Connie said.
"What? I'm not leaving you, this is my son" Sam said.
"Sam go" Connie said wincing in pain.
"Mr Strachan you need to leave, Connie doesn't want you in here" the midwife said.

Sam left in a huff and as soon as she did so Connie started to cry.
"It's not his is it?" She asked.
"No Connie it's not, would you like me to get in touch with anyone for you? Does he know that you're pregnant?" The midwife asked.
Connie nodded, "Jacob Masters, he's a nurse in the ED. He knows I'm pregnant, and he knows he might be his. We had an affair although had probably isn't the right tense for it, more like having" she said.
"Ok, I'm not here to judge you at all, Jackie could you get in touch with him please?" The midwife said to the nurse.
"Can you ask Jac to come in from outside please?" Connie said.
The other midwife nodded then left the room.

Jac came in a few minutes later after being bombarded with questions as to why she was allowed in and Sam wasn't.
"He's going to be so angry at me Jac! What do I do?" Connie cried.
"Right now you focus on your baby, and Jacob, he's on his way. Jacob loves you Connie, and you love him, remember that" Jac told her.
"Can you get Sam to leave for a bit? I don't want him seeing Jacob coming up" Connie said.
"Of course, I'll be back in a minute" Jac said.
"Ok Connie you're going to have to push on your next contraction" the midwife said.
Connie nodded then screamed again and pushed as a contraction ripped through her body.

Jac came in five minutes later after eventually persuading Sam to leave, telling him she would call when the baby arrived, then Jacob arrived then minutes later.
He hugged Connie and kissed her gently.
He held onto her hand as she screamed and cried whilst she pushed.
It took her five more pushes before her son was bundled into a little blue blanket and handed over to her.
"He's beautiful" Connie said with tears streaming down her face.
"Just like his mummy" Jacob said as he stared down at his son.
"I love you Jacob" she whispered.
"I love you too baby" Jacob replied before kissing the top of her head.

Jacob held his son before the midwife took him to get him weighed and cleaned up.
"Does Sam know?" Jacob asked Connie who shook her head.
"Do you want me to call him now?" Jac asked.
"Soon, Jacob would you mind going to get a coffee or something with Jac when I tell him? And the baby in the nursery, I need to tell him on my own" Connie said.
"Are you sure?" Jacob asked her.
"Yes, I'll be ok" Connie told him.
Jacob left with Jac who called Sam whilst Connie kissed her sons head, who she hadn't decided on a name for because the name she was originally going to give him was chosen by Sam, not Jacob, then he was taken to the nursery.

Connie had asked the midwife to stay with her so she stood in the corner sorting out Connie's notes.
"Connie?" Sam asked as he knocked on the door.
"Come in" Connie said to which Sam did.
"Where is he? Where's my son?" Sam asked as he noticed that Connie was no longer in any pain but was lying down comfortably without a baby.
"You don't have a son" Connie told him.
"No, that can't be right, if something was wrong with him you should of told me, I didn't even get to see him" Sam said.
"I don't mean it like that Sam" Connie said shaking her head.
"Then what? They got it wrong, do I have another daughter?" Sam asked her.

Connie sighed, "I'm sorry Sam, but the baby, he's not yours" she told him.
"That's a funny joke Connie, seriously where is he?" Sam asked in disbelief.
"I'm not joking Sam, and honestly I can't say I wish I was, because I don't, but he's not your son" Connie said again.
"Who's is he then? What happened, you got drunk and slept with a stranger, and hoped that you would get away with it? You whore!" Sam shouted at her.
"Mr Strachan calm down please or I will have to ask you to leave" The midwife said.
"No! I've just been told that my girlfriend, and the mother of my other child cheated on me" Sam said angrily.
"And why do you think that was Sam? Because you hurt me, physically and emotionally, you said you loved me but you don't, the only reason you stopped hitting me was because you found out I was pregnant, but you still hurt me emotionally. But it was different with him, he really does love me and I him" Connie replied.
"So it's still going on? Who is it Connie, who've you been fucking?" Sam shouted.
"You don't know him" Connie lied.
"Bullshit, I bet it's that Dr Knight isn't it" Sam said angrily.
"You couldn't be more wrong" Connie told him, "you don't know him" she lied again.

Sam stormed out of Connie's room then went towards the nursery.
He lent against the wall then looked through the glass at the new born babies lying in their cots.
He looked at the boys wrapped in the blue blankets, wondering which one he had almost brought up as him own, almost.
"Mr Strachan, this isn't going to help" the midwife said as she approached him.
"No? Then what will? Which one is he? Which baby is Connie's?" Sam asked.
"I'm not at liberty to disclose that information, Mr Strachan you need to leave now" the midwife said.
"Why? I have as much right to be here as the father does, not that he even bothered to turn up, but I thought that baby was mine, I should be allowed to see him" Sam said.
"You are Connie are not married, she didn't know he wasn't yours, you need to leave" the midwife said again.
"Fine I'm going, I give up, I can't do it anymore" Sam said before walking away.

The midwife then went into the nursery and picked up Connie and Jacob's baby before taking him back to her room.
Jacob had arrived back with Jac and they were discussing names.
"Daniel?" Jacob said.
Connie shook her head, "that was what Sam wanted to name him"
"That's out of the question then, Charlie?" Jacob suggested again.
"Charlie Jacob Masters?" Connie said.
"You want his middle name to be Jacob?" Jacob asked.
"If that's ok with you" Connie said.
"Charlie Jacob Masters it is then" Jacob said before kissing the top of his sons head when the door opened.
Connie's face went white when she reaslised Sam was stood infront of her watching as Jacob interacted with the new baby.
"So much for not knowing him, I should of known really, sweetcheeks, queen bee, all the phone calls, meetings in your office. I can't believe I was so blind. I'll drop Grace off in an hour, she's living with you now Connie. I can't look after her anymore because everytime I look at her I see you, and I don't to take my hatred for you out on her" Sam said.
"Ok, thank you" Connie said flatly.
Jacob squeezed her hand with his free hand, "you can go now Sam" he said.
"Don't worry, I am" Sam said then he turned around and walked away letting the door slam shut behind him.

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