Miss Independent

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Oh is something about, just something about the way she move. I can't figure it out, just something about her.
Say, oh is something about kinda that want you but don't need you, hey I can't figure it out, is something about her.

Jacob stood up against the wall outside the ED drinking his coffee, smirking as he watched Connie get out of her car.
She walked past him, looking perfect as her hair fell effortlessly down her back.
She looked at him and winked before heading inside, as Jacob pushed himself up off the wall and followed her in.

Cause she walk like a boss, talk like a boss, manicure nails just sent the pedicure off. She's fly effortlessly.
And she move like a boss, do what a boss, do she got me thinking about getting involved, that's the kind of girl I need.

Connie lent against the side of reception, tapping her nails in anticipation.
"It would be much appreciated if you could all get on with some work, instead of having a mothers meeting over here, since that is what you're paid to do. Dr Knight and Dr Hardy, resus now" she said sternly then held her hand out for her files.
Noel scrambled around picking up various files and piling them together before handing them over.
"Good morning Mrs Masters" he said politely.
"Be quicker next time" Connie snapped then she strutted away to her office.

She got her own thing, that's why I love her, miss independent.
Won't you come and spend a little time.
She got her own thing, that's why I love her, miss independent. Oh the way you shine, miss independent.

Jacob stood laughing at the look on Noel's face, "how do you put up with her?" he asked.
"I love her, so what if she's used to getting her own way, she's independent, I like it" Jacob replied.
"Rather you than me" Jack said.
"Oh no, I'd go there" Cal said with a smirk.
"She told you to get back to work" Jacob snapped at him before walking towards Connie's office.

Ooh there's something about kinda woman that can do for herself. I look at her and it makes me proud, there's something about her.
Something ooh so sexy about kinda woman that don't even need my help. She said she got it, she got it. No doubt, there's something about her.

Jacob stood in the door way of her office, she was completely aware that she was being watched.
She could feel his eyes on her without turning around, even just the looks he gave her sent tingles down her spine.
Connie was fiercely independent, always in control, and everyone knew it, including Jacob but somehow, and even he wasn't quite sure how he did it, he'd managed to break down the cold icy exterior just enough for her to let him in, and once he was in it was safe to say neither of them were letting go.

Cause she work like a boss, play like a boss, car and the crib she 'bout to pay 'em both off.
And the bills are paid on time, yeah she made for a boss, only a boss, anything less she telling them to get lost, that's the girl that's on my mind.

"Are you just going to stand in the door way looking pretty or did you want something?" Connie asked.
Jacob laughed and shook his head, stepping into her office and closing the door.
Connie turned around and took the coffee out of his hand, taking a sip before chucking it into the bin.
"Oi!" Jacob said.
"I'll buy you another" she replied as she looped her arms around his neck.
He smirked and gripped her thighs as she attached her lips to his.
"I love you" she said as she pulled away.
"I love you too" he replied then lifted her up onto desk and began kissing her again.

Not sure if it really works but yeah.. Miss Independent ~ Ne-Yo
Requested by Connie-Masters and MB x

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