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Jacob knocked on Connie's door after finishing his shift.
She opened it a few minutes later with a blanket around her, her hair tied back messily off her face and a hot water bottle.
"I brought over the paperwork you asked for, are you ok?" he asked.
"Thank you, yes I'm fine. Would you like a drink?" Connie replied.
"Sure, lead the way sweetcheeks" Jacob said then he followed her into the house.
They reached the kitchen then Connie opened the cupboard and took out two mugs.
She opened the draw to take a spoon out but dropped it so bent down to pick it up but gasped in pain.
"Connie, you're clearly not well, go and lie down. I'll make some drinks" Jacob said.

Connie sighed and picked up the spoon, "I'm fine, it's just a cold, it's giving me a headache" she said.
"That may well be but you need to rest, go on upstairs and I'll bring your drink up when it's done" Jacob said.
"Jacob" she started but he cut her off.
"Go" he said before placing a gentle kiss on her forehead.
Connie smiled slightly, "thank you" she said before leaving the kitchen.
Jacob shook his head then opened her fridge and took out a bottle of lemon juice then a lemon from her fruit bowl.

He went upstairs a few minutes later carrying two mugs.
He pushed open her bedroom door to find her curled up in bed with the blanket still around her with her duvet too.
"You alright?" Jacob asked as he placed one mug down then handed her the other.
"Yes thank you" Connie said as she looked at the liquid.
"Honey and Lemon, great for a cold" Jacob pointed out.
Connie nodded then patted the empty space next to her motioning for him to sit down.
Jacob complied and sat next to her in a comfortable silence for a few minutes whilst they drank.
Connie placed her empty mug down then shivered as the blanket fell down off her shoulders.

Jacob placed his mug down too then kicked off his shoes, "cold?" he asked.
"A little" she admitted as she pulled it around her tighter.
He climbed under the duvet without warning and moved closer to Connie, wrapping his arms around her and the duvet around them both.
"Better?" he asked and she nodded with a smile.
"Thank you" she said before snuggling into him further resting her head on his chest.
"All part of the service" Jacob said with a grin.
"What service would that be?" Connie asked him.
"Being a nurse, you've got your own private nurse for the night" he replied.
"Mmm that's lucky because I feel like death" she muttered.
"But you still look beautiful" he said softly then kissed the top of her head.

"Jacob" Connie warned him.
"Sorry" he said.
"Don't be, it's sweet. I just haven't been called that in a very long time" she told him.
"In that case I'm going to make sure I tell you how beautiful you are every single day" Jacob said softly.
Connie looked up at him smiling but it faded as she looked into his eyes and he moved his face closer to hers.
"I love you" she said with tears in her eyes.
Jacob raised his hand and cupped her cheek, "I love you too, sweetcheeks" he replied before closing the gap between them as they kissed for the first time.

Jacob pulled away to see Connie smiling at him, "best medicine I could of asked for" she said.
He smirked, "get some sleep, you need it. I'll be right here when you wake up beautiful" he said.
Connie cuddled into him and closed her eyes as Jacob stroked her hair gently.

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