15. 2/22/16

663 28 4

Twenty-Second of February, 2016

Sunlight shone through the messy curtains. They were slightly at an angle too. "Hello?" I asked, throwing my hand into the adjacent space next to me.

I propped myself up on my elbows, surprised by the empty space. Harry must've gotten up to get something.

"Rise and shine you hot mess!" Harry shouted, knocking on the open door.

I pulled the duvet up to cover my nose, "Shut up, buttercup."

"Speaking of butter, I have pancake mix and we can try to make pancakes," Harry smiled.

"You're not a cliché person who wakes up first to make their dear beloved, hot mess, breakfast?" I chuckled.

"You can do it yourself, you lazy #ss." Harry pulled the covers off of me, then grabbed my feet and pulled me off the cozy bed.

"Well gee, that's not very polite," I huffed, brushing past him into the kitchen.

"If say the same about yourself," he smirked.

"Pancakes? Who said pancakes?" I said in attempt to change the subject.

"Hmm, I don't know," Harry said, opening the cupboard's doors.

I opened up the fridge to look for eggs and milk. Well, at least I assumed they were there. "Which shelf do you put you're eggs and milk on?"

"Top shelf and bottom shelf," he responded, grabbing a large, red bowl from a bottom cabinet.

Maybe the eggs were hidden behind the milk and a- "Harry, I never really saw you as a vodka man."

"Oh no," Harry chuckled, "that's Josh's. He and his friends, along with his rowdy girl, take shots when they're together. I honestly think it's stupid," he sighed, setting a spatula on the counter. "You're also looking in the freezer, moron."

"You ever joined 'em?" I asked, rummaging around to find a medium sized bowl. "And don't call me a moron!" I chuckled, now rummaging through the fridge.

"Third cupboard on the bottom. No, I never really bothered too. I'm not into shots. Just one glass of wine, or two beers, or seven, and the I'm done."

I searched through the cupboard Harry directed me to, sure enough, the a light blue, medium sized bowl was there. "You seem like a lad who could take on a few shots. By the looks of you maybe nine or ten."

"Wow, I feel honored. Josh and his mates down at least fifteen to seventeen each."

"Josh must be crazy."

"Wait to go, Sherlock." Harry reached up to a higher cabinet to grab a cereal box. His sleeve fell down a bit and I saw faint lines. It slipped a bit more and I saw darker, heavier lines. "This is for emergency breakfast if we screw something up!" he smiled.

"Oh, yeah! Great idea," I laughed, starting to tear at the pancake mix's box seal. I wasn't going to address his lines during this moment. Perhaps a more somber time.

"Did you put the eggs over here?" Harry asked, brushing past me.

"Yeah, they're just ov-"

Crack, Crack, Poomf

"You look like a fish!" Harry cackled. "Lo-look at th-the egg-s-s drip-ping int-to your eyes!"

Harry had just cracked two eggs on my head, along with showering me with flour. "You know, do you want your pancakes made or not?" I said in a dry tone.

"I don't know, maybe?" he snickered.

"Well, then you won't mind if I do... This!" I shouted, throwing a handful of flour into his face, followed by and egg to his noggin.

"You. Little. Son. Of. A-"

"Biscuit!" I laughed, holding up the pancake box and pointing at a biscuit recipe. Why is there a biscuit recipe on a pancake box? That's pretty dumb.

"Umfg," I gurgled. Harry had tackled me to the floor, straddling me, and then proceeded to poke my sides.

"H-Harr-y! St-sto-op th-that!" I wheezed out in between fits of laughter. He proceeded to poke my sides, "No! I am the relentless tickle monster! I tickle my enemies to their doom!"


"I'm the Tickle Monster!"

"Tickle Monster, p-please explai-ai-ain t-to m-me why I'm an enemy!"

"You've smashed an egg on my face!" He said, poking my stomach.

"You smashed two on me! Hey, quit that." I slapped his hand away from my stomach.

He rolled off of me and onto the wood floor, "The Tickle Monster would like pancakes now."

"Callum would like a shower now."

"Pancakes first," he yawned, curling into my side.

"Oh so you want to cuddle now, but still want pancakes," I mumbled, trying to get up, but failing due to Harry tugging on my arm. "Look, let me make the pancakes while you take a shower, you eat the pancakes while I take a shower, then we can cuddle."

Harry nodded and mumbled a soft,"Okay," into my side.

"Okay," I sighed back, falling back to the floor. "Harry, let go."

"Three more minutes."

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