33. 4/19/16

343 14 0

Nineteenth of April, 2016

"Hey Bog," I smiled, plopping down next to him on the couch.

"Why do you call me that?" he sighed, leaning into me.

"Well, because you're stinky and weird," I replied.

His face dropped a little, but then he smiled again.  "My sister always said that."

"Oh, I'm sorry then, uh-"

"No.  Keep doing that.  It's uh, comforting."

"Whatever you say trash bin.  Anyways, want to watch a movie since we're snuggled up and in front of the television?"

"We have to go do something today though, I'm so lazy it's not even funny," Harry whined.

"Nope, nope, nope, you're staying here." I placed kisses on his forehead in between "nopes."

"Please Freezy?" he pleaded, pouting. 

D#mn, he looks adorable.

"Nope."  I wrapped my arms tightly around Harry's body, not letting him go.

"Fre-e-ezy!" Harry squeaked, "Let me go-o-o!"

"What was you're idea for the day?  Mine sounds perfect."  I placed another kiss on the top of his noggin.

"I don't know, maybe I'm just in the mood for going out today," he turned and placed a kiss under my jaw bone.

"How about you let me go film a YouTube video.  Then we can go out.  Then we can snuggle?" I offered, tilting my head back to give him more access.

Harry continued to kiss down my neck.  "You never told me about your YouTube."

"Yes I did, moron.  It's my source of income.  Stop doing that, I can't think straight."

"Well, maybe I forgot," Harry pulled away and cuddled into my side.  "You're no fun."

"Here, let me turn on my camera and-"  Harry placed a quick kiss next to my lips and got up.

"Don't leave!"

"Oh so now you want me to stay.  It'll take thirty minutes.  Just thirty minutes, alright Bog?"  I got up with a good amount of struggle, and turned on my recording system.  However, I didn't set up my face-cam.  The fans could go without my face for one Fifa video.  "Shut up now and let me record."

"I'll be on the other couch," Harry mumbled, getting up.  "Thirty minutes."


"That took you way longer than thirty minutes," Harry laughed.

"Well you know.  It's kinda hard to film when a lazy#ss who's adorable is messing with you," I complained, putting the controller down.

"Shut up, I didn't do anything.  Now that I'm in a cozy mood, you want to skip to Netflix?"

"You f#cking suck.  I get to pick the movie," I smiled.

"Whatever Trash Face."

"That's a new one."

"It suits you."

Harry leaped onto the couch next to me and snuggled down.  "Pick something good."

"Supernatural it is."

A//N:  On Writers Block.
Ok so chapters are going to be slimmed down to 200-400 words because I have no time.  Sorry for that, but I love you all thanks a million!  2k reads.

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