29. 4/17/16

472 24 5

Seventeenth of April, 2016
03:37 {Freezy}

I was awoken by a soft noise.  It was fragile and trembling, like a kitten meowing for her mother.  My right arm was now no longer draped over Harry's side, but the vast emptiness of sheets before me. 

I got up out of bed and made my way to the bathroom.  If I was up, there was no going back for me.  After brushing my teeth, I made my was towards the kitchen, but Harry wasn't there.  I poked my head around the counter and still no Harry.

I really didn't care for finding this lost child, but something inside me urged me too.  He didn't seem like a guy to put down.  Reluctantly, I started to roam my flat, softly whispering, "Harry!" here and there.

"What?" he whispered harshly. He was sat in front of a window in a small nook, looking over London.

"Hey, why are you up here? If you want to stare off into the city, I have somewhere better to go."

"No thanks," he replied, not even bothering to turn around.

I felt like leaving him here now, but he seemed to need a friend at the moment. With a sigh, I sat down next to him. "Just trust me."

"Please don't say that."

"Alright, if you come with me to where I want you to go, I won't say anything more."

Harry went silent for a few moments, thinking on whether to take up the offer or not. "Fine."

I slid off of the window's nook and headed towards the door with Harry close behind. Pushing open the door, we exited my flat and I headed toward the stairs. It was only two flights to the top.

Harry heaved a heavy sigh and looked at the stairs. "It just had to be stairs."

I smiled at his remark and continued to trudge up the twenty-third step. Only twenty-seven more to go.

Once we reached the top, I grasped the doorknob and turned it, revealing a black sky with city lights as its stars.

Soft crunches of gravel emitted from the ground beneath me. I made my way towards the building's edge and rested my elbows on a small rise. I motioned for Harry to come up and join me, him following unenthusiastically.

He walked out towards the edge of the building and rests his elbows in the ledge. His gaze was fixed straight ahead of him, watching the clouds slowly move in the night breeze. Lights from the city flickered here and there. Some were a plain beige and some were coloured.

It was peaceful up here. It was where I liked to get away from all that was happening.

"You know, you're not all that bad," Harry suddenly spoke.

"I mean, I guess I try," I replied, scooting closer next to him.

"Have you ever felt like you trusted someone so much that it hurt the people around you? It's as if the person used your trust to get to other people through you." Harry's eyes were still fixated on the emptiness in front of him. He hadn't bothered to look down, or up, or at me, just straight ahead.

"What brings you to say that?"

"Oh," Harry paused and faced me, "just life things. Things someone can't control."

"Care to elaborate?" I asked, trying to be helpful and listen. As much as I didn't want to hear his life story, I felt a pang in my chest to stay. I could almost feel how he was feelings. His mind, his emotions, I felt like I could practically hear them screaming for me to understand them.

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