22. 3/23/16

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{Accidentally cracked my screen at a football game rip}

23 March 2016 {Harry}

"Wake up you sack of sh##!" Lachlan screeched, jumping onto the bed.

"What?  What do you want?" I mumbled, pulling the covers over my head.

"Some guy is sending you heart messages.  They're actually pretty cute."  Lachlan jumped onto the bed, sending me a few inches into the air.

"Oh.  He is?  Hand me my phone," I yawned, reaching for my phone on the nightstand.

Lachlan grabbed my phone, holding it just out of my reach.  "Get up.  Come on, you can do it, Lachy!"

"This boy doesn't know how much I love him," I mumbled.

"Make me breakfast first.  Then you get your phone."

"Lachlan.  Give me my phone, please," I whined, getting out of bed.



"Breakfast first."

I tangled my hands into my hair and tugged on it, "Fine.  What do you want?"

"Scrambled eggs and bacon," he smiled.

"No, Lachlan!" I whined, following Lachlan into the kitchen.

"Your little boyfriend is sending you more messages. 'Hey babe, we need to get together again. This time over at my place.'"

"Where's the f###ing pan?" I screamed, rampaging through the cabinets.

"Farthest one to the left." Lachlan seemed calm and continued to read the messages.

"I hate you so much sometimes."

"Cal says he misses you and your hands all over him."

"F### off, Lachlan."

"Now he wishes he'd kissed you when he had the chance," he trilled, making a kissy face.

I flicked on the stove and placed three bacon strips in the pan. I cracked two eggs and whisked them together and left them in the bowl.

"I might just steal your boyfriend, Bog. He's pretty adorable on his texts. 'I know you aren't reading these twenty-one plus messages, but I'm still going to send them anyways. If you want to come over in March, that'd be great. I can pay for your flights.'"

"No way. He is? I really want to go over. Ow!" I had just burned my hand on the pan, trying to pick up the bacon.

"Use a spatula. Anyways, what does he look like? Is he a blonde? Maybe a brunette? Oh my gosh, is he a ginger?" Lachlan was then rambling on as I put the eggs into the pan. I had just handed him his plate of bacon.

"Shut up already. He's a very dirty blonde, very tall, big lips that look ever so soft and kissable, and a cuddly appearance. You're making me miss him even more now."

"You're a sucker for him, y'know."  Lachlan grabbed the omelet I had just played for him.

"I know, I know," I sighed, putting the pan into the sink.  "Just let me be happy."

"Alright.  Here's your phone back too."  He handed me my phone back, which had two messages on the screen from three hours ago.  I sighed, Lachlan had gotten me good again.

C: Hey, if u want to come over to London soon, I can pay for flight tickets

C: I miss you, your touch, you presence, your eyes, your smile.  I miss the way your face lights up when you're happy.  Please, come to London soon Harry.  I miss my boy

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