47. 5/15/16

245 10 0

March 15, 2016
14:27  {Preston}

"Paige?" I asked softly, knocking on her flat door.

"Who is it?" she called from inside.

"Preston," I replied, smiling as she opened the door.

"Hi!" She squealed, opening the door and hugging me.

"I came here to talk about something.  I mean-  I haven't rehearsed this or anything, but here goes nothing.  Look, we've known each other for awhile now.  I've come to terms with myself and I- I don't like you," I paused to take a quick breathe and her faced dropped.

She opened her mouth to object, but I stopped her.  "Let me finish speaking, Paigey, I'm in love with you.  Infaturated, crazed, obsessed, knocked out at the sight of you.  You are beautiful.  Heck, they don't even have a word strong enough to describe how amazing you are.  I just, I want to give this whole dating thing a try.  You've told you're story to me, and I've told mine.  It's time to fix ourselves.  Put the puzzle pieces together.  So, maybe, give me a chance?" I finished to see her face slightly pink and her eyes covered by a delicate glaze.

"Please," I murmured, "please."

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