26. 4/13/16

474 20 2

13 April 2016 {Harry}

I have to say, Cal's life is luxurious. Apparently he's a youtuber who makes a lot of money. With a lot of money, he can buy a lot of things.

He's got a mate who's hosting a party. Lad goes by the name of Joe Sugg. He and his roommate Caspar Lee just moved and are throwing a party to celebrate it. Personally, I think they just wanted an excuse to party.

"Callum Airey!" a tall and lanky blonde exclaimed.

"Caspar! How've you been. Congratulations on the new flat!" Callum smiled, giving him a hardy handshake.

"You must be Harry. Cal told us he was bringing someone. Didn't know it'd be a fine kid like you. Come in, come in. Drinks are in the kitchen and Joe's somewhere outside." Caspar practically yanked us into the house after he had closed the door.

"Now go off and don't get lost!" Caspar called, pushing us both into the kitchen.

"Dare I say we go exploring, Sir Harry?" Cal whispered, extending his hand.

"Sure, let's go," I replied.

"Wow, way to stick with the program Harry," Cal grumbled, wrapping an arm around me.

We had wandered around the house like this for a few minutes, Cal chatting with a few friends and introducing me as his 'lovely acquaint.'

Then the world stopped moving. Sound was seemingly being sucked away from me in a vacuum. A burning hatred had just stumbled across lighter fluid and a truck load of highly flammable gas.

Everything around me looked as if I were underwater. My eyes focused on one man.  A man I never wanted in my life again.  There was one voice that stood out though, one that was all to familiar. "Harry," the familiar accent shouted.

It seemed so far, so distant. All my senses were focused on the man in my vision. "Harry!" the voice shouted again, sounding faded and drowned. "Harry!"

The water was quickly drained from my ears, I could hear and see clearly. Time was ever so suddenly snapped back into reality.

"Christoph Dixon," I grunted between gritted teeth. My palms were sweaty and balled up into fists.

Suddenly, a soft hand was laid upon my chest. Force was then applied and it was taking me backwards.

"Harry! Are you okay? Listen to me!" Cal shouted, shaking me wildly.

I had no responses to the boy's attempts to get my attention. Images that I couldn't forget we're running through my mind faster than Usain Bolt could run with a rocket strapped to him. The flashing lights, the piercing sounds that still echo in my mind, the asphalt covered in glass and-

Something soothing was pressed against my lips. They were warm and relieving. It felt like a blissful release and I was the prisoner being liberated.

"Now that I've got you attention, Harry. Please tell me what just happened," Cal mumbled, rubbing his thumbs on my temples.

He had pushed me back into one of the washrooms in Caspar and Joe's flat. His hands were cold but they were slowly pulling me back into reality.

"You never told me you knew a Christoph Dixon," I spoke, looking into his eyes.

"I didn't think it'd be of importance to you, Harry. Is everything okay between you and him?" Cal stared back intently.

"He likes to think that it is."

"If you're so flustered over it, then we're leaving here early. I'm staying another hour or two though, get comfy and situated. Tell me about this later, okay?"

"Alright, I guess- I mean, maybe we could just stay one hour? If I see Chris again, it'll be the last time he ever sees anything."

"Take it easy Harry. Chris is one of my good mates. I'd like to keep it that way. Just avoid him."

"I can try."

"Thank you." Cal placed his lips onto my forehead for a few seconds. He planted another one near my lips and then slid his hand off my chest and signalled for me to follow him.

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