24. 3/25/16

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Twenty-fifth of March, 2016
11:39  {Freezy}

"You know you can't keep having Simon come into your life, right Cal?" Weller spoke, taking a seat across from me.  We were in a small café, it seemed like a hole in the wall restaurant, but it serves blissful food.  Unlike other restaurants, this little place wasn't trite or mainstream.

"I know you're right.  I know.  He just-"

"He comes into your life when he wants you, not when he needs you.  This has been going on for the past five months Cal.  I'm tired of it.  You have a 'soulmate' chosen for you by the universal powers or something," Weller's complexion was starting to tense and he gripped the fork, showing the veins in his arm.

I let out a shaky sigh and ran my fingers through my hair.  "I don't know how to break it off."

"Talk to Chris about that then.  I'm here to knock some sense into you, mate."

My whole body tensed at the name 'Chris.'  "Joe, you know what happens to Chris.  I'm not bringing that up around him."

"Sorry.  I'm sorry, I forgot.  You just-  I've seen the way you talk about Harry and you seem so happy and full of life.  But when you talk about Simon, your body seems listless and your words are lifeless."

"Simon needs me though. He's been through so-"

"Simon wants you. Harry needs you, okay?" Joe snapped, gripping the table.

"Listen and let me talk for once! Just once, okay? Simon has been through enough and I'm his escape. I've known Harry for one month and he's my soulmate? No. Yes I'm two-faced, yes I lead a double life, but you know what? I don't care. F##k the universe, okay?" I stood up, grabbed my tea and proceeded to storm out of the building. I had had enough of what Joe was telling me. I can't leave Simon. He needs me to escape from his burdens.

As for Harry? This is an act.

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