16. 2/23/16

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23 February 2016

"So uh, I hate to bring this up now during the middle of lunch, but I'm leaving in two days," Callum said, digging his fork into his lunch.

"Ok," I sighed, "here do you need me to drive you?"

"Well, the airport for starters, terminal 108. I have my plane ticket and everything scheduled. Let's not talk about it now though, I don't want to think of leaving."

"Alright then," Harry chuckled, lightly. "How about we spend today... Watching movies and sitting on my beautiful couch."

"Actually, I remember you telling me you own Fifa.  Do you have 16?"  I asked, plopping down on the couch.

"Yup, but I'm really not good at it.  Just opening packs."

"You owe me."

Harry placed the disk into the tray and pressed a button and the tray took it in.  He turned on the T.V and handed me a red controller.  "Thanks."

Harry plopped down next to me, holding a controller equal to mine, but in blue.  "What team do you want?" he asked, opening up multiplayer. 

"I'm taking my good ol' boys, Chelsea."

"Good pick, I hope they'll fair well against my Manchester."

23 February 2016

"Oh that's absolutely rubbish!  Ref!  Ref!  Ref!" Cal shouted, throwing his arms up in the air.

"You know, you've won two games so far and I've won one.  I don't think you should worry about a ref right now."

"Shut up, Harry.  Even if I'm winning, I need the refs in my favour."

I laughed at that statement, "Since when were the refs never not in your favour?"

"Just now."  I quickly paused the game before anything else could happen.  Cal looked like he could turn into a raging monster right now.

"Well if that's important to you, I guess I'm in your favour."

"Are you implying that you fancy me?" A smirk slowly started to creep across his face.

"Only if you do."

"Well Harold," he sighed, leaning back, "you could say I like you, but only a little bit."

"Just a little bit?"

"Okay maybe a bit more than little," he smiled, poking my side.

"I guess I could say the same about you."  I placed my controller in my left hand, and quickly pulled up a fuzzy blanket with my right.  Cal scooted closer to me and I paused the game.

He took a deep breathe, then exhaled, "Maybe I like you.  Not just a little, but just, well, like you."

"I like you just a little bit more now," I smiled, messing with his hair.

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