12. 2/20/16

737 30 1

Twentieth of February, 2016

I woke up with a hangover. I didn't have a shirt on, and I didn't have my phone.  After sending Ethan a text to bring my stuff over, I rolled over to face the opposite side of the bed.

"Oh my f###ing days," a voice mumbled from another room.

"Hello?" I asked, as I groggily walked into the open room.

"Wha- who are you?" he asked, sitting upright on the couch.

"Frankly at this moment, I don't know."

"Oh, well I'm Josh. Harry's flat mate. Nice to meet you. I see you're as good at first impressions as I am," he sighed, running his hands through his unruly hair.  "We put you in my room last night, you party hard, mate."

"Do you know where Harry is?"

"Down the hall and to your right," he replied, going over to put the kettle on.

I lightly tapped on Harry's door.  "Oh, you're up!  Come in!"

"How long have you been up?" I asked, walking in.

"Since three.  Would you like to know what happened?" he sighed, shutting his laptop and sitting up. Quite the energy for someone who's been up for three hours in the morning.

"I mean, I guess," I said, rubbing my face.

"Alright, let's go into the kitchen and I'll get you some water and pain relievers."

I followed him into the kitchen, where he grabbed a glass from the middle cabinet and pressed the glass against the fridge's water dispenser. "I'll leave you two alone," Josh smiled, grabbing his tea and heading towards his room.

"Sit down," Harry said, lightly gesturing towards a chair next to a glass table.  "After finishing our food at Nando's, we stayed there and talked for a few hours.  It was then around four-ish, when you suggested going out on the town for a bit.  We walked around and poked our head into a few stores.  It was then around five, you pulled out a pen and scribbled a meeting place for if we got lost on your arm.  Then you lead me into a club and followed."

"Oh mate, I'm sorry."

"No, no.  It's perfectly fine.  You had a good time might I say.  You downed a good six or seven shots and then pulled me onto the dance floor after I finished my drink.  Did you know you can dance really well?  Like- all drunken affects aside, you did great.  Some girl tried to dance with you until you shouted 'I'm f###ing gay, go away!'"

"You're f###in' kidding me," I laughed, dropping my head down onto the table, "I'm such an idiot."

"Yeah, but you were my little idiot that night.  I pulled you out after you tried making out with a cactus.  You were very upset that I didn't let you, saying 'It's my purpose, I gotta kiss all the cacti.'"

"Thanks for not letting me do that.  Sorry I gave you a terrible first impression."

Harry let out a light laugh, "That's perfectly fine.  I was actually having a good time.  I never really loosen up so you're really helping.  If you want to stay here for awhile, feel free."

"Thanks mate.  I owe you."

"Would you say you owe me anther night out?  This time we're doing it my way though," he smiled.

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