43. 5/12/16

282 8 5

Twelfth of May, 2016

Harry and I had been sitting in silence holding onto each other while we watched the night sky.  It was relaxing and calming to see a word bigger than you.  Harry had said it reminded him that, "I'm not the world."  It makes you think about how small you really are, but you still impact people.

"Out of all the people in England, the universe put us together. Why?" Harry asked.

"You know, that's something I don't want to question. Let's just let it be," I sighed, pressing a kiss on the side of his face.

"But what if we aren't doing something right?  What if you typed in the wrong number and now you're stuck with me instead of someone who's waiting for you somewhere else?" Harry questioned, he started to ask more questions a mile a minute.

On the coffee table next to use, there sat a black Sharpie.  Popping the cap off, I started to write a small sentence on my arm, but Harry didn't notice me. 

"You know, sometimes I wonder if you're even right for me.  What if it was a complete accident that I met you instead of the other person I was supposed to meet at that restaurant?  What if-"

"Enough with the questions," I announced, gripping his stiffened arm firmly.

Slowly turning his now relaxed arm around, I placed my arm next to his.  "I think the universe did just fine, Harry," I whispered lovingly.

Harry looked down at his arm and small lines started to form together on his skin.  Slowly but surely they connected and spelled out three words.

I love you.

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