41. 5/11/16

322 13 0

Fifth of May, 2016
12:09 {Freezy}

The stream definitely got the attention that we wanted.  Everyone's channel grew by at least five thousand subscribers and a solid supply of money was raised for Josh and his charity he wanted to support.

I would say it was a success, except for a slight problem.  Harry had decided to walk into the stream and get cozy next to me.  Photos went viral of us together and now we're a trending Twitter topic.  Harry's name and Twitter hasn't been released, but his a bit shook.

Both of us don't mind our relationship being public, but it's a tad obnoxious seeing the same thing in my feed. 

"Hey Harry, where does Josh- oh uh, never mind.  I'll just go ask Josh himself." Lachlan stumbled over his words as he walked in on Harry and I in a lazy lip lock.

Harry pulled away and rested his head behind my shoulder, "If your looking for his headset, it's hanging on the hooks in the kitchen.  It's next to the other headsets you blind Australian."  Harry snuggled into the crook of my neck and stayed there.

"The money is going to be transferred to Josh's account in twelve hours.  How did this even happen though?" I asked, unpausing my game.  The Wolf Among Us was a story game I finally decided to look into.

"Well, we have the cops looking in on that.  I'm not sure Josh and I want to know who or how.  It seems crazy.  I mean I know about social medias being hacked, but never a bank account."

"This is all- sh#t it was triangle- it's all crazy, Harry.  We just need to go with it I guess," I sighed, resting my head on his.

A few minutes passed as the room was filled with video games sound effects and occasional swearing on my part.  "You know, I haven't been as happy as I am in such a long time.  When I first got a note on my arm, I just, I freaked out.  It was scary to know I was, well, 'special.'"  Harry laid back and flopped on the bed.  "When I first saw you, I saw a spirit so alive and full of ecstatic happiness.  I just couldn't resist not being around someone like you.  Your silver eyes pierced mine and brought me out of my spiralling existence," Harry paused too look at me as he drew another breathe.  "Those eyes always get me.  Every single time.  I see your eyes and they give me hope, Cal.  Before I met you there wasn't anything I hoped for.  I know this is just, out of the blue, but you really mean everything to me."

I had paused my game a few seconds back and just sat there.  I'm someone's hope.  I'm someone's reason to continue in with life.  All I did was right something stupid on my arm and now here I am.  "Harry, thank you.  Thank you for saying everything you've just said.  I mean- I don't know what to say but thanks," I let out a small laugh as Harry pulled me down by wrapping his arms around my stomach and tugging.  "You didn't have to say all that, Harry."

"I wanted to say it you cute sh#t."

"Okay," I smiled, putting my controller down.

Chapters once or twice a week now, I'm trying

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