50. 5/17/16

251 9 0

Seventeenth of May, 2016
13:03  {Freezy}

Harry and Chris are meeting up in three days.  I'm worried and excited about seeing how this one goes.

The usually cheerful and silly Harry was now solemn and grim. Rarely smiling and cracking a joke, Harry moped around. Probably dreading the day he was going to meet Chris. Harry would take out a pen and scribble the date into his arm quite harshly.

May 20
20 May

Those were displayed all over his arm and mine, unfortunately.

His eyebrows were always furrowed. Whenever I asked him what he was thinking about he'd always say he was thinking about Josh's circumstances or brush the topic off.

I feel like this is my fault. In fact, this is my fault. Me trying to fix their fall out now seems like a terribly stupid idea. It's not even my problem. Harry's probably less upset with me than I am myself.

"Hey, you look worried," Harry said, plopping down next to me.

I sighed, wrapping my arm around him, "Just thinking." 

"So you've been thinking for the past week?  You're not yourself."  Harry snuggled more into my side.

I rested my head on his head, "I don't know."

"Alright," he chuckled.  He began to tap his foot up and down on the couch.

"You're thinking now too, aren't you," I laughed.

"If it's Chris you're worried about, don't be.  I'm going to be fine, alright?  Perfectly okay."

"I know, I know, I just feel like I'm in the way."

Harry turned and looked up, "Really?"

"I thought you didn't want to do this."

"I really don't, but I don't know, I need to do this."

"If you don't want to-"

"No.  I need too," Harry snapped. 


"Give me a minute," he whispered, his voice slightly cracking, "I-I don't know."


Harry had locked himself in his room for awhile.  So I was basically alone in my apartment.  I texted Josh a few times about how his financial situation was.  Josh replied within a few minutes, he was doing fine.  The bank was looking into what had happened.

A soft knock came from my door, "Come in!" I shouted, not thinking.

"Hey," he whispered.

I mentally slapped myself across the face.  Open ring my arms, I motioned him to join me on the bed.  He gratefully accepted and curled up.

"I'm still not over it, but I still want to go.  I'm sorry," he whispered.  I wiped the tear stains off his face and placed a kiss on his forehead.

A//N: thanks for reading, love you all.  Thanks for putting up with my inconsistency.

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