35. 4/20/16

349 12 0

Twentieth of April, 2016

Simon was late again as always. The waiter for my table came to ask if I was ready to order for the third time already. One could say I was more than ancy.

My palms were sweaty and my right knee was going up and down and up and down.  I'd take in short, sharp, breathes every now and then and constantly check my phone for the time.

Then a tall and lanky man walked in.  He towered over most people and was hard to miss in a crowd.  He had a grey beanie that sat on his head; it read 'Ace' across the front.  He had on black joggers that had 'Rascal' sewn onto the left hip pocket.  His white jacket slightly covered his shirt that clung to his torso.

I waved him over to the corner I was sat in and he nodded towards me.

"So, you wanted to meet up.  Anything wrong?" he asked, pulling out the adjacent chair and sitting down.

"Well, you haven't exactly wanted to hangout recently.  Are you doing okay?" I questioned, refusing to meet his gaze.

"I've had uh, work stuff going on.  I'm sorry.  If you want we can spend Thursday together.  That's only forty-eight hours away," Simon smiled, reaching over to squeeze my hand.

"You know, I might not have Thursday available."  I met Simon's gaze and shifted a little in my seat.  He slipped his hand away from mine and started to fiddle with a spoon.

"What do you have going on Thursday, babe?" There he goes with the pet names.  I'm such a sucker for those but not this time.

"I'm recording videos that day.  I'll be busy."  Hopefully Simon doesn't see the fault in my lie.  I never record on Thursdays and I just uploaded.

"Fine, are you free Friday?"

"Lunch with me mum."



"Sounds like you don't want to spend time with me, Cal.  Anything I should know about?" His eyes narrowed slightly and I felt like I was transparent,

"Nope.  Everything's fine.  Frankly, I think it's you who has no time for me seeing that you were forty-five minutes late, babe."  I matched his glare and my fists started to ball.

"Really?  Turning this around on me are you?" Simon spoke, his voice lowering.

"It always points back to a mistake you made.  Why were you late anyways?  You planned this thing.  Who's late to their own meetings?"

"Maybe the Uber got stuck in traffic or something, use your brain Callum."  Simon had set the spoon he was fiddling with down on the table and both his hands fell flat on the wooden surface.

I took in a deep breathe and shakily let it out, "You know, I bet you were seeing someone else before this.  It sounds like something you'd do anyways."  Looking down quickly, I unlocked my phone and opened my messages.  I looked up again only to meet a fuming Simon.

"Maybe I was with someone.  They'd probably be better than you anyways.  Unquestioning, intelligent, loving-"

"I bet they're loyal too.  Unlike you!"  I looked down again to find Josh's contact and sent him my location.  Without looking, I texted him to come pick me up, quickly.

"Lower your f#cking voice, you always make a scene," Simon took a quick look around and then returned to his death glare.

Josh's phone had just now probably gotten the text.  Assuming he hasn't read it yet, it would take him ten minutes to get here.  I could hold out that long right?

"Fine, I will lower my voice, but that's it.  Tell me exactly why you couldn't make it on time today.  Explain why I have been sitting here for the past forty-five minutes waiting for you.  Who were you with and why were you late?"

"Well you truly want to know.  I was meeting with anther guy from a past one night stand and just talking to him.  He seems like he had money to offer, so I talked to him and didn't pay attention to the time.  Now here I am talking to you."

"Why have I put up with you for the past two years? Why did I do that? I was dumb to fall for your dashing charm and lustful eyes. F#ck you Simon Minter. I'm done." With that, I got up and promptly walked out of the restaurant, not nothing to look behind me.

I put my hand on the glass door's metal handle and pulled. My fingers were left chilly after releasing the handle, but it didn't compare to the freezing outdoor weather awaiting me.

Josh please get here soon, oh f#ck me.

I didn't hear the door shut all the way, meaning someone was behind me. "Now Cal, baby, why would you do that?"

"Because you f#cking suck. Now leave me alone please."

"I know there's a part of you that's still infatuated with me."

"I hope that part of me falls off and rots because it was foolish and blind. Goodbye Simon, don't text or call me."

I quickened my strides and searched for Josh's familiar mat black vehicle. "Where are you Tobi," I muttered, rubbing my fave with my hands.

That went the opposite way it was supposed to. Good job Callum, you have put yourself on Simon Minter's blacklist.

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