45. 5/15/16

280 12 0

Fifteenth of May, 2016
14:38 {Freezy}

"Clearly this is how you do it!"

"I mean, if you want to break it, moron."

"Don't call me a moron, idiot. This is clearly how you do it, look the instructions say to do that right here."

"Vikk, don't call me an idiot. You know d#mn well this is how you build a desk!"

"Shut up Lachlan. This is exactly how you build a desk. If you put that thingy there, it would mess up the rest of the process!"

"Hey guy, you know I could just build the desk myself," Preston piped up.

"Shut up!" The two shouted in unison together.

"Let's just go clean the kitchen," I whispered over to Preston.

"That sounds like a better plan." Preston slumped into the kitchen, grabbing a hand vacuum. "Just to be a cheeky little bugger, how did you and Harry meet?"

"Well, that's a pretty interesting story," I mumbled. My mind was now racing a mile a minute. I don't know what to tell Preston. Should I give him the full story or the sugar coated one?

"I got time," Preston smiled.

"I picked up a pen and started to write on my arm, the all of a sudden, I got a reply.  I was completely bewildered as any good man would be.  So we got to writing to each other and dropped each other our numbers.  We then met up and really hit it off there.  Don't tell Harry, but I didn't know if I wanted to love him or not."  I stooped down to pick up a charger chord that had somehow gotten dropped in the war zone.

"Oh that's Lachlan's," Preston mentioned.

"Cool.  Anyways, it was Harry that really just- he pushed me to really look at life differently.  I don't know if anyone noticed or not, but I definitely have.  Harry doesn't know this, but I always took some friends out ever Friday night to go clubbing.  Every Friday, at nine o'clock at night, we'd go out and get wasted. Now though, I'm actually seeing more to life. It doesn't just seem empty."

"Empty," Preston repeated.  He looked down at his hand vacuum and repeated the word again.

"Yes, empty..?" I spoke, confused.

"Empty!  Cal I'll be back in three hours!  Thank you!" Preston exclaimed.

"You're welcome?" I laughed, picking up the hand vacuum he dropped.

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