6. 2/17/16

894 37 6

[Could be triggering to some readers]

Seventeenth of February, 2016

I had just boarded my plane to Gurnsey when a small line started to form on my arm.

It slowly grew wider and it puffed up a bit.  A second one formed next to it. This one actually stung a bit.

I hadn't noticed, but my eyes were glossy. I didn't feel sad or anything, the stinging didn't even hurt.

I'm sorry. If you can see this, I'm sorry. Please note that you don't have to come.

Another line formed, this one actually felt like something was being driven into my skin and slicing it, but it was only another faint line. I can't imagine what was on his arm.

Harry, please. I am looking forward to meeting you. Please, remember that you hurt me physically, and emotionally, when you hurt yourself. If you can't stop it thinking about saving yourself, do it thinking of me. I care, I truly do.

I had just written on the entire underside of my arm, covering it in the most legible hand writing I could manage.

No ones ever told me that.

This started to form over top of the words I had written.

I'll be there soon, stay frosty

I wrote beside it.

17 February, 2016

He's going to leave me knowing I hurt myself now. I'd been clean for so long, but this moment I got an attack. The only way I knew how to calm myself was to hurt myself.

All the voices, they won't stop. They won't stop unless I hurt myself.

I pulled out my phone and texted whoever my thumb landed on. My vision was blurry due to the tears forming in my eyes.

H: help

L: coming

I look at the screen for a moment to see who I had texted.

'XL Aussie'

"Lachlan," I sighed in relief.  He understood most of what I'd been through.

He and my best mate, Vikk, knew about my 'problem.' Vikk had gone through a less major one before.  He also use to be my flat mate until he moved to London.

L: focus on breathing.  don't look down look straight up at the ceiling and place the razor out of your reach.  lay back too.

I did as Lachlan told me to and eventually tears started to roll down my face onto my bed sheets.

"Cal, I'm sorry." I murmured.

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