25. 3/25/16

438 18 5

Twenty-fifth of March, 2016
23:47  {Freezy}

H: Soooo, I just found an open week in my schedule! Turns out we don't have to wait until May whatever! April 13-20 I'm free!

C: Yes! That's great! I'll buy you're tickets right now give me a second.

H: Cal, you don't have too

C: Shut up I insist. How does April 12 at 10:00 sound?

H: Sounds great

C: Alright, and don't worry about going home, that can happen a day or twenty-eight later.

H: Really? You'd do that for me? Thanks Cal!

C: Anything for you. Be at terminal 139 at 10:00 sharp on April 12th, Beautiful

H: Wouldn't miss it.

C: I have to interview you to my lads, they're going to love you

C: introduce*

H: I can't wait to meet them


I had just sent Harry all the information over an email.  The flights had been booked and all.  Weller, Simon, and Chris had agreed to come meet Harry, but nothing was to be said about Simon and I.

If I was Simon's escape, Harry was going to be mine.

12 April 2016

"Harry!" a Scottish like accent exclaimed. A head of messy brown hair appeared from behind a car door.

"Cal!" I dropped my bag and ran up to him, engulfing him in a well anticipated hug. "I've missed you so much," I mumbled into his shoulder.

"So have I, lazy##s," he chuckled, placing a soft kiss on the top of my head.

"Cal," I sighed.


"I need to grab my bags."

"No you don't."

"Yes, I do."

"Fine." he grouched, letting go of me.

I jogged over to where my bags laid and scooped them up. "Alright, where's your car?"

"Right this way, my good sir." He motioned with his hand his car was to the right a bit. "I have tomorrow night planned out with us. We're going to party like kings."

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