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Twenty-Fifth of January

I woke up to find ten numbers sloppily written on my arm. I guess he did decide to give me his number. Rolling to the other side of my bed, I grabbed my phone from the night stand. After I unlocked it, I put the ten precious digits into my phone before they could disappear.

Every five hours the messages disappear and it looked like these numbers were written at least three hours ago.

C: Hello? This is Callum. I presume you're Harry?

X: No, this is Caleb and Jeremy's Supply Shop, how may we help you? Of course this is Harry. Who else would it be?

C: Uh.. Caleb and Jeremy's Supply Shop?

H: Oh forget it. How does this arm thing work? Are you sure you're name is Callum and you're a boy?  Do you see everything I put on my arm?!  Oh dear...

C: I'm very sure, and no I can't see everything, sometimes there's faded lines.

H: Ok. I've got lines too. That's okay. So what do we do now? Do we just start dating or something?

C: Is that how it works? I've got a lovely lady friend at the moment.

H: I do too. I'm not sure how this is going to work.

C: How about we meet as just friends?

25 January 2016

I'm nervous he'll see things on my arm that I don't want him to see.  I don't want him to think I'm to different.  Also, I made having a girlfriend up.  Was that wrong?

I'm truly scared about this arm-thing.  How are we just friends?  Are we supposed to be more?

H: Yeah, just friends. When's your schedule open?  Not to push or anything- I mean. I just

C: It's fine mate:
January 27th to 27th of February.  I'm not a very busy lad.

H: How does February 19th sound?  I mean you don't have to come.  You really don't.

C: I insist.  You seem like a good lad.  So then there's this one small problem that stands in our way. Where do ya live?

H: In Guernsey.

C: I can get myself down there I think. I'm a Londoner.

H: Oh no, you don't have to do that just to meet me.

C: It'll work with my schedule, don't worry. I have people to meet in Guernsey anyways.

H: Ok. If you need somewhere to stay, I have a spare bedroom in my flat.

C: Noted ;)

H: (:

Well.  He's coming.  I don't think I'm ready at all.  I'll have to shove my flat mate out and clean up myself.

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