27. 4/14/16

459 24 3

14 April 2016 {Harry}

"Harry, wake up you lazy#ss.  It's time to get up," someone said, arousing me from my slumber.

"What?" I mumbled, tuning my hands through my hair.

"We're exploring London today.  It'll get your mind off whatever happened last night.  I still want my answers though because whatever happens to you and Chris before hand seemed important.  I'm not letting this slide," he spoke, sliding down under the covers with me.

My eyes had now fully opened and I was taking in the shirtless Londoner now.  He wasn't all that muscular but the outline of a six pack was visible and I could see his muscles flex when he moved.  He seemed magnificent in his own way. "Everyone has their secrets, Cal. Some just aren't explained. In my case, I'm going to hold onto mine, okay?"

"I'll respect that decision, Bog," Callum mumbled into the top of my head.


"Is it always this cold in London?" Harry breathed out, stuffing his hands into his sweatpants' pockets.

"Oh, you'll grow a thick skin and get used to it.  It's not all that bad.  Now come on, let's go find you something warm to drink," Cal chuckled, lightly.

I knew London's streets like the back of my hand. Just one block forward and two lefts would lead us right to a little café that had soup, coffee, sandwiches, and doughnuts.

"Why do you live here?" Harry asked out of the blue.

I stopped for a few moments to think about it, then caught up to Harry who was only a meter ahead.  "Well, I guess I like the weather, and the people here are somewhat friendly.  Everything's close together so I don't need to move around much.  Oh, and the food around here is lovely."

"That's nice," he simply replied.  "So tell me more about Chris.  How long have you known him for?"

I was a bit taken back by this question, but still agreed to answer.  Maybe it could lead to one of the reasons Harry hates the little guy's guts.  "I've known Chris for three years now.  I met him on a football pitch and we had a keepy-up challenge.  He won by three only because he threw a rock at my knee."

"Did you notice anything weird about Chris in 2014 around August?"

"Well, he didn't come to a few parties.  He didn't seem to smile as often as he used to.  I asked him if he was okay and he said he was doing good," I answered, lightly tugging on Harry's elbow to tell him I was turning left.

"Oh, okay.  I knew Chris for about five years.  He was a good lad.  My mum loves him.  She still does.  He'd come for Christmas every now and then.  He was a happy little lad and-"

I pulled on Harry's elbow again to bring him left again.  "Why do you keep saying 'was'?  Chris still is happy."

"He likes to think he is," Harry mumbled, walking through the café's open doors.

"Oh Harold.  Don't be such a pessimist."

"Shut up, Callum.  Let me sulk in my self pity," he chuckled.  A small small forming at the corners of his lips.

"There's that beautiful smile," I whispered into his ear.

"There's that lovely f###ed up accent."  Harry lightly poked me in the stomach and grabbed a menu.

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