7. 2/18/16

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Eighteenth of February, 2016

My nerves have been going off about Harry. I hope he's okay, truly. He doesn't seem to be well right now.

I was sitting outside of a little café talking to a friend.  His name is Ethan.  He cleans up well and can always find the best spots to eat.

"So what brings you down 'ere, Cal?" Ethan asked.

"Business," I mumbled, rubbing my sleeve. "There's someone I needed to meet down here for an opportunity of some sort."

"Sounds good to me," he chuckled.

That's the thing I like about Ethan. He's easy going. Doesn't care why you do something, just wants to make sure you know how. He isn't the type to get all up in your business.

I finished the last spoonful of my broccoli cheddar soup and said, "Where can a lad like me find a decent place to stay? No, I cannot take over your humble abode. Even if you insist."

"Down the street, about three left turns and then you're at a cozy little place. It's not that far from a few restaurants and clothing stores."

"Well thanks, mate. I'll see you around?" I smiled, grabbing both of our trays.

"Yeah, you should come and visit more often," he said, grabbing his wallet and keys.

"In the future, I might be able to," I smiled to myself.

18 February, 2016

"Harry, listen to me. If you want to send this guy away, you'll have to be firm about it. If you want to get to know this guy, you're going to have to be open about yourself," Lachlan sighed. He'd stayed the night to make sure I wouldn't have any more attacks. Really good kid who just wants to help, Lachlan is.

"Thanks," I mumbled, taking another bite of my eggs.

"Look, if he gives you any trouble, just let me know. I'm only four buildings down." The Aussie stood up and started to head towards the door.

"Lachlan?" I asked.


"You know that Victor Burn kid, right?"

"You mean Vikk Barns?" he chuckled, "or whatever his name is."

"He lives in London right?"

"Oh somewhere around there, why?"

"Could we ever pay a visit to him?"

"I-I mean, uh..." Lachlan rubbed the back of his neck slightly, "It's a possibility. I'll let him know you asked."

"Thanks Lachy." I smiled.

"I hate you, ya little sh## walrus."

"What the f##k is a 'sh#t walrus?'"

"It's what you are."

"Get out of my flat, Lachy."

"I'll be back for snacks." With that, Lachlan was gone. I was left alone in silence.


C: Guess who's in Gurnsey?

H: Where's Gurnsey?

C: Guernsey*

H: Who's in Guernsey?

C: Me ;)

H: Don't hurt yourself from excitement

C: I won't

H: ok :) want to meet somewhere tomorrow? I didn't expect you this soon and my flat's a mess

C: I am a mess so it won't matter.

H: I'm probably messier than you

C: No

H: Yes

C: Nope

H: Yup

C: you win. I'll be exploring Guernsey today, catch ya later

H: Gave fun

H: Have*

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