52. 5/21/17

195 4 2

21 May 2017

What is sleep at this point?  Everything's running through my mind at 100kmp.  Everything hurts.  Everything is so... different now.

When I walked out of that coffee shop with my eyes on the verge of tears, it felt like that night.  The night I lost her.  I'm so afraid I'm going to lose Cal because of this.

With everything going on with Chris and I right now, Cal just seems so distant and like he doesn't care.  I'm sure he wants to try and help, but I don't want him getting hurt.  What if everything going on hurts Cal?  What if I hurt Cal? 

I just wish this whole thing would end.  If everything would just... disappear.  I'm scared of the future and I hate my past. 

I rolled over onto my side and sat up.  After stumbling out of bed and slipping on a shirt over my head.  Slowly opening my door, I slipped out of my room and into the hallway.  Cal was fast asleep on the couch in the open room.

I grabbed my keycard and phone and headed out of the flat.  Six flights of stairs later, i reached the rooftop.  Swiping my card, the lock buzzed and a green light flickered, allowing my entrance.

It was warm out, but a soft breeze was blowing.  I could think up here.  I could breathe up here.  I was myself here.

Carefully positioning myself on the edge of the cement roof, I looked out over the city.  My feet dangling over the traffic below.  It was beautiful.

There I was.  Alone.  Thinking.  What am I supposed to do?

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