46. 5/15/16

265 9 0

Fifteenth of May, 2016
15:24 {Freezy}

"Where's Preston?" Josh asked, walking in with a confused expression plastered on his face.

"I said the word 'empty' and he took off," I chuckled, "Kid's going places I guess."

"Yeah, he probably went to go bother that girl who lives in his and Lachlan's flat complex.  Well now it's Vikk's, Lachlan's, and Preston's flat complex I guess."

"Lachlan finally got him to move?" I questioned.

"Yup, took awhile though.  Vikk likes to settle down and not move for awhile," Josh laughed, opening up the fridge.

"Ha, well Preston said he'd be back in three hours.  It's been about an hour so far.  I think he can handle himself out there, he'll be fine." 

The hand vacuum served me well while I cleaned the kitchen.  I need to get one of these for my flat.

Harry sluggishly made his way into the sparkling clean kitchen.  "Good morning," he yawned.

"Good afternoon to you too," I smiled, walking over and planting a kiss on his cheek.

"Yeah, I had a good sleep anyways.  Did Lachlan and Vikk get the desk built?"

"They finished it about twenty minutes ago.  I doubt it'll hold sound but that's not my desk to judge," I chuckled.

"Well that's reassuring," he mumbled.

"Don't worry about it, Boggy."

I had the longest week ever pardon my short chapters and inconsistent updates please.  I have finals coming up for soccer and practices are longer.

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